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ToM Dracone


The weekend is here, we went sledding during ninth period, snow is swirling in the air outside, and ideas are flowing! There may be midterms next week, but exams don't faze me – and I need a break from studying.


I got a great idea for dragon physiology recently, followed last night by the concept of the Land of the Rising Sun, a distant land to the east of the island-continent where my dragon story takes place. A most entertaining location to ponder, as no one knows what lies beyond the impassable mountains running along it...


It also occurred to me that Toa Tiome (my Bionicle self) would have immense power underwater. His natural mask is the Kaukau, so he hardly needs to work to maintain the mask's activation, and his element, heat, has devastating effect in water. And as wielding a sword is less than practical underwater, he can use his element to great effect instead... He could cause it to boil or freeze in an instant – the former to scald an opponent or create a screen of bubbles, the latter to trap an enemy in ice far more easily than out of water... And I love water anyway, so this is even cooler.


And yes, that latter idea was brought about by a combination of City of the Lost and the Dead Man's Chest soundtrack. Whee!


Finally, Jo made it to the semifinals! Her new poll can be found here. Votes are, as always, appreciated!


And I promise that I will update Quest for Lost Dreams this weekend. I'm almost done with this chapter; I just haven't been in the right mood or had time to work on it lately...

~ ToM


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he can use his element to gret effect instead


Nice typo ;)


Anyways, I'm curious as to whether or not you've actually MOCed Toa Tiome. If you have, then I haven't seen it. Which I must :P



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he can use his element to gret effect instead


Nice typo ;)


Anyways, I'm curious as to whether or not you've actually MOCed Toa Tiome. If you have, then I haven't seen it. Which I must :P



I don't see any typos. ;)

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For ToM's self-moc see his Personal photo in his profile and I believe I once found some pictures over here but I can't recall as the Bionicle folder isn't popular.
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Creating locations in a story is most fun. I also must agree: between "Pirates" and Bionicle, I'm getting really excited and interested in this deep sea stuff.
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Thanks, Shine. :P


Deep-Freeze ~ I've built myself several times, none of which are worth showing except the very latest – Toa Tiome. I posted him, oh, quite a while ago. Summer of 2005, I think, and I still have him intact on my desk – Tiome is one of my favorite MOCs ever. ^_^


And Nukora, I think you mean public... At 20,000 views, I think I can safely say my Bionicle folder is fairly popular... But for some reason it's taking ages to become public again...


Takatu ~ Isn't it? I've always loved studying the ocean (I have a bunch of books about it from when I was little), and this year has renewed that for me...

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Now that I've finally allowed myself to stay up-to-date with the storyline, this new underwater theme is frighteningly awesome. I could probably go on forever about all the psychological implications of such a setting ... but I won't. :P


I love the way you've managed to work your Toa power into such an environment! I'd be hard-pressed to find any use for heat underwater ... and you manage it so fluently.


And I understand why you've never picked apart that MoC-version of yourself; it looks mighty good indeed. ^_^



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