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Hi there minions friends! :)

It has come to my attention that a many of the people that are forced to read my

blawg have somehow been greatly misinformed on the subject of the most beloved of all animals. The crab.

You see, in some of my most recent entry's. Brainwashing people into obeying me Reminding people

about my love of Crabs. Some people have commented saying horrible, misinformed comments such as...

what's with you and those... lobsters, was it? unsure.gif


Yeah, it was lobsters.... or was it shrimp? They're crustaceans too...

The two members who committed these atrocious acts of blasphemy against the crab

will be killed soon. But for now I need to make something very clear. The sacred holy animal of which I

hold close to my heart is the crab. not the lobster, not the shrimp, and definitely not the vile creature known

as the jellyfish!

Anyone else who blasphemies the crab most holy of creatures, shall be put to death in an agonising, torturous and unbearable way.

Now that's that out of the way. Have a nice crab filled day. :)


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I actually built a crab last night...

Looked like crud. Modified a piece or two and it turned into a beautiful, wonderful lobster. :wub:





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@ Shadix XD

@ LoTF Not if the explosive octagons have anything to say about it! As you probably know, they have the POWUR to terrorize your Firax :evilgrin:

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Besides, in my most recent comic, the Orangons blew up Firax. XD




Which leaves the final score Octagons 2 (if you count him getting blown up in OS3), Firax several thounsand :angry: Which is why imma gonna eat that pesky rock :P

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*throws gas into the fire of Octagon - Firax war*


Hmm hmm hmmm... don't mind me... you guys are only getting a spot on my podcast because of this fight but hmmm hmm hmmmmm.....




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