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Brickfair Day 1

Brappy Hour


My first day at BrickFair was awesome. I haven't had so much fun in such a long time.




I had a blast meeting all the staff members and friends I knew from BZP before hand.


Bringing the shirts to the BZP spot. Moments later I was swamped with customers for them, (how exciting). :P


Speed building a Krika set with Janus.


Order a LEGO brick name tag. (Need to get it tomorrow)


Meeting more great friends, like Senjo and Nukaya.


Trading Pokemon with Nikira.


Selling masks to some fellow members.


Buying a custom Spartan.


Taking some pics of the MOCs and the great Bionicle Mosaic Projects.


Talked to ChocolateFrogs about the Jamboree.


Bought some Dino Attack figures.


Chilled out a little more.


Said goodbye and left.


Post BrickFair:


Went to hotel and got directions for LEGO store.


Went to LEGO store.


Found the Dropship set. Plus got a 10% discount because the box was damaged.


Back at hotel.




Anyway. I'm leaving at 2 tomorrow. So I'm gonna try to look at the rest of the convention center. Also kinda bummed because they won't sell me a BrickFair 2010 brick. All because I didn't register... I'm here aren't I?!


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Technically there is nothing stopping you from getting the engravers to make a brick that says BrickFair 2010. ;)

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You guys going to be selling them next year at all? Just wondering.




Yes we (or maybe just I) will. New design then, too.


And BR, you are a gentleman and a scholar. A shame I am not there with ya.



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Jedi Master J. - That depends if I go next year. Or if they need me to make shirts.

Ah, I see. That makes sense. I was just asking because I was considering the possibility going next year, especially with all the positive reviews that I been see here about it, and it would of been cool to have a BZPower shirt, if I were to attend (Nothing set in stone yet on the possibility of me going though.).


But anyway, I am glad you are having such a good time there and hope you have more enjoyable memories there tomorrow too. And thanks for taking the time to answer my question, Bionicle Raptor.




Yes we (or maybe just I) will. New design then, too.



Ah, cool. Glad to hear you are considering making some next year too. Still have no idea, if I will be going or not, but its nice to know. Thanks for taking answer my question, EW.



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Sisen - Perhaps. It'll take forever though. :wacko:

Yeah... the public really halts the creation of registered members blocks. Oh wait... You didn't register so you could probably get away with getting it done during those hours but it'll cost more.

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