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Group Tutorials Suck



It's clear to me now that I have lived a pretty sheltered lifestyle, going to a high school and college where people were cool and had similar views and values to me. Now, being flung into the University lifestyle, I realise just how boarish people are. I mean, I know plenty of misogynists and radical feminists (not in the same room/time, that would be a real nightmare!), for example, and I guess what drives all of these are huge egos. Mostly acquired from private education schools, I imagine. To strive to be the best, and burn everyone in their path. And they genuinely believe to be the best.


And then, to be frank, there are also these rather stupid people who are loud but really have no idea what they are on about, or will say the blatantly obvious or completely wrong, and that's also frustrating because I have to hear them speak, along with the inflated egos of those who probably have parents that can buy them a Mercedes at age 18, whether they can drive or not.


So, as no surprise, the only people I do like are the middle ground people who are not outspoken or have huge egos and have a pretty good understanding of things, which funnily enough are the same people, or same sort of people, that I've known all my life, particularly the last six years. If I had been to a private school, the little ego I have would have been crushed long ago, and who knows what could have happened.


What scares me the most, of course, is that these people are going to be around and abundant for the rest of our lives.


Maybe I can relate this to an essay at some point...tongue.gif Anyway, I experienced a lot of this today in tutorial groups, more so than usual, so that's why I'm annoyed. Then again, the last one was much tamer and much more entertaining and insightful. With my kind of people.



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I hear ya. Met my first client whose head's in his rear two weeks ago. Though funny, I used to be in private education, and mellowed out in a magnet program in some high school. Though in college is when I realized that I'm not a kid anymore and went into a depression. But that's a different story. :0


Oh and it's "misogynist".


*As usual I'm being pretty general, I do know several private school people that are cool. Though that's often because they were at the same school I was at some point. But yeah, I miss the innocence of youth, in some ways.


And thanks, knew it looked a bit off. I'll fix...*

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