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Survey Says



You prefer to keep quiet and stay in the background. Whenever you do say something however, it's usually profound. You're just more of a thinker than a talker. Many people find you mysterious and strangely attractive.


You are the designer of the dream constructs into which a dreamer brings a subject. You're very creative and intuitive, drawing from artistic and analytical skill. The architect does not have to design using real world architecture and physics, allowing them to creat.e paradoxes like an endless staircase. When bringing a mark into the dream, a skilled architect is essential to help the dreamer make the dream feel real. Furthermore, an architect can help design mazes or other secure locations in which a mark hides their secrets.


You are the angelic, Castiel. You tend to be more of a follower than a leader, but you still are a powerful jet-setter. You are at times gullible, but people can't pull the wool over your eyes for very long before you call 'em on it. You're true to you're friends, but sometimes you take your job a little too seriously to the point of it monopolizing your life. You're not the most laid back of people, but you're loyal, smart and no when to stand up for your beliefs. You're a world class friend!!


Your answers have proved that you belong in Ravenclaw. Ravenclaws are known for their wit and intelligence, so if you're a braniac this is a good house for you! However, there is more to Ravenclaw than book smarts. Ravenclaws also value beauty, creativity, and individuality. They prefer maturity, tastefulness, and tact. They make wise and careful decisions that benefit all involved. Ravenclaws make choices and decisions based on knowledge, fact, and logic. They lead with their minds, not their hearts and keep their emotions in check. They draw comfort from peace and serenity.




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