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Am I The Only One?



...who, after BrickFair (it happened last year too, and with this current one) thinks that whenever he sees someone out of the corner of his eye there is that tiny spark of "oh hey it's [cool member he hung out with over BrickFair]"? (If, out of that corner-eyesight, a few features seem familiar.)


Or are the rest of you more sane than I am in that regard?


Just another reason why we need a BrickFair City...


-CF :kakama:


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Of course, but that's not what I mean.


Like, I'll just quickly turn my head, and someone my eyes glaze over make me double-take, because that blur looked like a BZPer I had just hung out with.

Which is weird, because rationally there are no BZPers close enough to me. One would think it would happen with regards to people I should have a chance of seeing, but no.

Just goes to show how big and exciting one weekend is.



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Yeah, same with me after I get back from a con. So either you're just as sane as I am, or I'm just as insane as you are. :P

- :l: :flagcanada:
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You know, this provides a great opportunity. One or two of us should just come back to DC and randomly walk by you sometime ^^ Just for the sake of driving you crazy.


But jokes aside, it IS one exciting weekend!

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