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Junior Year Sucks

MT Zehvor


"You know, come to think of it, the island of Mata Nui Sophomore year wasn't really that bad after all. Think we could go back?"



Anyways this year has sucked and I still have like 9 months to go.


As Lamp would say..."Yippee!"


Chapters have been up reeeaaalllllyyyyyy slowly because of it. Not liking this amount of homework...reminiscent of the times when Mr. Matoro had the same problem.


On the other hand, it is making the deadline for the Ihr contest going to happen before Ihr dies disappears mysteriously.


So yeah. I'm mad.


"u mad?"




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lol u mad




My Junior year starts up September 7th or something. And from things I've heard, junior year tends to suck the most.

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Yes I'm seriously a junior. I know. I have no life. But old news is old.


I could definitely believe that Koth. This has been absolute suck to say the least.



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Well, I have to move through three school years to reach Junior, so......


Meh. School starting always SUCKS. :(


just in time for Reach!


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-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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I started my freshman year today, and it doesn't seem that bad, but maybe that's because it's the first day. I am really annoyed, however, by the fact that almost all of my classes are at the far ends of hallways, and my gym class is in a whole different building, which it takes a long time to get to, so I have to exercise to get to gym.

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WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN WE'VE ALL MISSED YOU AND...ok enough of that. Welcome back...dunno really what to say. I thought you had left for forever.


Anyways lol at the gym part. Exercise to exercise.



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It's Krakax now, but yeah, I haven't been to the comedies forum in forever. I'm planning to try to read Aftermath, but I haven't read more than the first few pages or so. I guess I've become more of an Mocer than a comedy writer (or reviewer). I still remember you as one of the greatest comedy writers on BZPower, and I really want to read your comedies. I just don't seem to have that much time.


On the subject of high school, so far it's been a lot easier than I expected.


P.S. I heard that Junior year is the worst because colleges look at your grades from that year when you're applying to them. Is this what you're referring to?

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Not exactly what I was referring to, but whatever.


It's sucked so far for me because it seems like every single teacher is incredibly mean. I'm doing ok grade-wise, but this year is looking like it's going to be an incredible amount of anti-fun.



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