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I suddenly remembered today about my experience with Styrofoam in elementary and middle school. At lunch, the school always used these cheap Styrofoam trays for school lunch (which sucked). And everyone around me, after they finished eating or if they were bored, would mess with the trays - puncturing holes into it with their spork, ripping the edges, and, on occasion, completely tearing it up.

Problem is, the Styrofoam made this extremely annoying noise when people did that, and I would cringe and/or shiver whenever I heard it. Seeing and hearing it was even worse.

I dunno how I react to it now cuz in high school it's either they use some new kind of tray on certain days, or the kids at my table don't care about torturing the trays.


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There's only one sound more terrible to my senses than Styrofoam creaking: tin foil scrunching (and to an extent, metal screeching, but that's not often).



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Alright, everyone: Bring some styrofoam to BrickFair next year and if we every want Disky's attention, we'll just rip a little of it up!



(Actually, of weird sounds like that or a squeaky chalkboard, I do not mind either...)

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CF: ;__;

I don't mind screeching chalk demons as much, I consider it just annoying. Especially if some kid is doing it on purpose.

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Oh, god, that sounds awful.


Worse then those kids who always loved to make squeaks with their schools after it rained. ._.

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Squeaks with their schools? You can make squeaks with schools? =O


But yeah; I know what you mean, if you meant Shoes. I think they still do it too. >_>

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