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Writers Block



I have indeed been infected by that horrendous disease. So here I sit, staring at a black page in a word doc, and hoping for some motivation. Fortunately both Kiotu and RRR (No, I am not using your full name. Far too long) write before me in the Epics contest. So I have time to shake it. Threats, bribes, and any other random form of motivation is appreciated.




EDIT: Well It's gone. Halfway through my newest story A Brand New Day atm.


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Hmm ... well, I happened to have gotten a new supply of grenade machine guns, and I'm looking for targets. Now, unless you want me to put your clones in my crosshairs, I suggest you get to work. :evilgrin:



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Man, I know what you mean. That happens all the time for me.


Sometimes doing some writing exercises help [such as writing as much as you can in five minutes or something, writing a certain number of words in a timed period, et cetera]. Just forcing yourself to write down thoughts and ideas can have you find one that you really like, therefore making you want to expand on it and write about it.


Also reading/listening to music/watching a movie sometimes helps you get inspired.


And lol now you make me want to write but I can't 'cause I have to go. Ah, well.



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Hmm ... well, I happened to have gotten a new supply of grenade machine guns, and I'm looking for targets. Now, unless you want me to put your clones in my crosshairs, I suggest you get to work. :evilgrin:




That indeed is a great threat.


Man, I know what you mean. That happens all the time for me.


Sometimes doing some writing exercises help [such as writing as much as you can in five minutes or something, writing a certain number of words in a timed period, et cetera]. Just forcing yourself to write down thoughts and ideas can have you find one that you really like, therefore making you want to expand on it and write about it.


Also reading/listening to music/watching a movie sometimes helps you get inspired.


And lol now you make me want to write but I can't 'cause I have to go. Ah, well.




Yeah, that does the same for me. Listening to Fireflight and then sitting on my porch roof at night cured me :P



I direct ye to the writing of Forsaken.


It'll be done in three years.





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