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My New Life

Lazzy the Spazzy


Not so much a new life, really...well, maybe it is. I guess it just hasn't hit me yet, since I haven't been away from home for more than a month at a time for summer camps. Speaking of which, it really did feel like a summer camp last week during orientation. Carnegie Mellon really spoiled us with cruises and bowling and lasertag...someone said they must be tricking us, making us want to stay for the year and suffer through their super-tough classes.


Not that I'm complaining of course, if I'm going to spend my next four years at CMU I'm grateful that we get a week of fun before all that. Plus I feel like it's all in the mindset, you can find the positive in any situation if you try, you know? Still, gonna be tough.


Keeping this short, first week of classes and I've already missed three classes. =[ I need to step my game up...


Anyway, haven't had time till now to get back onto BZP. I promised to do the occasional SSCC review and blog so here we go. And then another disappearance for...however long it takes for me to finish all my stuff again. Wish me luck.


Recommended Comments

Try your uttermost best not to miss anymore classes. You'd be surprised at how badly this affects you. I'd sit down and write yourself a nice good detailed schedule/planner things, and handle each thing one at a time. Getting wound up in he future or past doesn't help this.


Have fun in college! Definitely stay positive, an thankful. People take for granted about all this college stuff, but there are a lot of reasons to keep your smile when things get hard.

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Thanks for the advice! Yeah, at least I overslept through classes my first week, nice wake-up call (no pun intended) to get me to fix my sleep schedule...for now, I've got the homework part down, just gotta keep from giving into those dark temptations to procrastinate. =|

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Thanks for the advice! Yeah, at least I overslept through classes my first week, nice wake-up call (no pun intended) to get me to fix my sleep schedule...for now, I've got the homework part down, just gotta keep from giving into those dark temptations to procrastinate. =|

Oh man, I need to do that too. (I'm not in college yet, but still.) The only plus side, is if you've procrastinated from a while, you often get good at doing things quickly (which is definitely a bonus if you start on time with said experience. :P) That week sounds like fun. I agree that it's more fun if you were going to stay at college anyways. Good luck in your classes, Lazzy!

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