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Calling The Police On Your Dad And Sister For The First Time...



... is not fun, especially at this age and when you're going through a divorce...


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I'm quite sorry about that. Life can make things so complicated and hard sometimes. Best to take it one step at a time.

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I know how you feel :( ... I've never called on my own family, but I'll always be on my page and RotR, if you need any more help... I hope you can get through this in one piece.

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I don't know how you feel, but I sincerely hope that you can recover from this traumatic experience.


I can only imagine how hard things are for you...

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Thanks, guys. It's not so traumatic as it is frustrating -- my dad has been doing stuff like this ever since I can remember, and he refuses to believe or admit that he actually does it. Not to mention that I, frankly, never thought I'd be the first person to actually call the cops on him, but still, it's not like I had much of a choice -- fighting over a container of bleach because he was egging my sister -- his daughter -- on...
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I see people like that at school every day, Pollutio- I mean Parugi. They do something and they deny on doing it in the end. <_< Seriously, what was your dad egging? Is is that?


EDIT: Who do you live with? Dad or Mom? Sometimes visit one or another?


Also, you must have at least one of the KH games if you were to put a Samurai Nobody as you pic. :P

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Half and half with both :3


As for what he was egging -- let's just say that she could have been dead by now.


And yeah, I've played three of the games. :3

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That's horrid, Parugi, I hope you and your sister are okay. I cannot begin to understand what you must be going through at this time. I'm going through "emotional distress" also, but this makes my depression look like a paper cut.
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Thanks. Again, while it's really bad in context I've been putting up with this kind of stuff for years, so it's not as bad as it could be.


I'm sorry to hear that, GLaDOS. Since I don't know what problems you're having I can't say much, but hopefully things get better soon. *hugs* ^_^


Once again, thanks everyone -- I feel a lot better now than I did earlier, and probably more so than I would have had I not gotten this off my chest and whatnot. *glomps the assembled*

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