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Bionicle Short Movie...<3

Lady Kopaka


That BIONICLE short film was, without better words to describe....




...:P But what I loved a lot about it was the music, it reminded me a lot of Evanescence, and it suits the Bionicle theme. It really gets me gittery for 2007, and I think now I am slowly relaxing to the bad guys. Barraki are pretty cool after all. Though what a depressing ending! Not a bad one, but funny for Lego to show that a poor innocent Matoran will get dragged down.


Who sings it? I guess I will have to look at the credits again, though I would really like to have that song.


I need to somehow figure out how to save it on my computer and then move it to my mp3 player to watch (Which btw, did I say I got it in the mail a week or so ago?).


Any suggestions or how I can get/find them would be nice.


Ugh, need to go buy Bionicle Legends#6....And 3....and 5....*Shakes fist at lack of money and lack of car*


Anyway, GOOD NEWS ON ART! I finally got that buggered scanner to work, and went to Hobby Lobby today, getting myself a new sketch book, some new ink pens, and those blending tools. And I looked through most of my recent sketch books to finish old pictures, found some I never scanned, and my long lost request picture. So in a few days there will be lotsa art from me. :)


Okies, I think I have bedtime...But one more time...*Goes to watch the movie again*


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I actually warmed up to the Barrakii the moment I saw them. I've devoloped my own opinion about Bionicles, no Bionicle is worse that the other. All are of equal awesome. No Bionicle is bad.


Kinda creepy in chant form, but It's my motto. :)


But yeah, the video is awesome! =D

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Aye, 'twas an awesome video. I seriously think the Barraki are top-notch now, and before I thought they were kinda lame. :P Kalmah looks soooo much cooler!


But Takadox still owns you all. :evilgrin:


EDIT: NO WAI! Lady K returns to the Artwork forum, eh? Any chance that request list will be up anytime soon? *cough nudge poke* :sly:





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'Even though you are the wiser, do not think your troubles are over..for you'll find, they have just begun.'


It was awesome. Best video for a BIONICLE I ever saw...which means that the Mahri will be even better!


Hope to see some delicious art pieces soon.

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Glad to know you'll be posting new art soon. I drew the Barraki recently (check them out soon), and I can't wait to see how you draw them, although I know you specialize in Toa and Matoran mostly.


Good luck on finding the artist to that song. Even by zooming in on the credits I couldn't read them well.


- :vahi:

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I actually warmed up to the Barrakii the moment I saw them. I've developed my own opinion about Bionicles, no Bionicle is worse that the other. All are of equal awesome. No Bionicle is bad.

Wow, I should quote that. No Bionicle is bad, that is true, each set has their own uniqueness. I agree!


But Takadox still owns you all.

Aye! I got Takadox. :D


EDIT: NO WAI! Lady K returns to the Artwork forum, eh? Any chance that request list will be up anytime soon? *cough nudge poke*

:lookaround: Maybe.


It was awesome. Best video for a BIONICLE I ever saw...which means that the Mahri will be even better!

I have little faith on the Mahri, but who knows, that's what I thought about the Barraki.


Glad to know you'll be posting new art soon. I drew the Barraki recently (check them out soon), and I can't wait to see how you draw them, although I know you specialize in Toa and Matoran mostly.

I already practiced drawing a bit Barraki, so far I think I can handle it, though I will check out yours sometime and review it. ^^


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Shadrahk has an MP3 copy posted in the talkback topic, page three, a little more than halfway down. I'll take a little while to download, though.


Yup. It's there, in MP3 format.

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Yeah. That video is awesome.


Wait- does that mean....? New Art? Yes? No? Monkey? Maybe?

KUTGB (Keep up the great blog)!


P.S. Bedtimes..... Urgh.....

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That BIONICLE short film was, without better words to describe....




I quite agree with you, old bean. :D


... But what I loved a lot about it was the music, it reminded me a lot of Evanescence, and it suits the Bionicle theme.


Who sings it? I guess I will have to look at the credits again, though I would really like to have that song.


I need to somehow figure out how to save it on my computer and then move it to my mp3 player to watch (Which btw, did I say I got it in the mail a week or so ago?).


It's nice to see that Lego is incorporating music more and more into Bionicle. The new song (let's call it 'Darkness' for lack of name) is up their with Hero and Caught Up in a Dream. Definitely the best part of the trailer.


Ugh, need to go buy Bionicle Legends#6....And 3....and 5....*Shakes fist at lack of money and lack of car*


Pick 'em up. you won't regret it. :)


Anyway, GOOD NEWS ON ART! I finally got that buggered scanner to work, and went to Hobby Lobby today, getting myself a new sketch book, some new ink pens, and those blending tools. And I looked through most of my recent sketch books to finish old pictures, found some I never scanned, and my long lost request picture. So in a few days there will be lotsa art from me.


Art! :D

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