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So I've had an idea of writing a songfic for almost a year now, ever since I heard the song. But I just now got around to doing any of the actual... you know... writing. Anyways, here's the first bit of it. Whoever can guess the name of the song from the one line wins. :D





Piramu dove behind a boulder, barely avoiding the Rhotuka spinner whizzing by his face. He loaded a Ko-Metru type Kanoka into his launcher. Without bothering to check the power, Piramu returned fire on the red Visorak. The disk flew around the rock, meeting it's intended target. Piramu tensed as the Visorak faded from existence.


"####!" He swore to himself. "It could appear anywhere…"


His thoughts trailed off as he saw a new shadow start to appear beneath the Le-Matoran on his team. Piramu shouted, but it was too late. The Visorak's atoms attempted to fuse with the Le-Matoran's, killing them both.


"######!" Piramu swore again.


Piramu was part of one of the last strike teams against Makuta. Aside from himself, the team consisted of the recently deceased Le-Matoran, a Nynrah Ghost, a few Bohrok shells they were able to reprogram, and a Toa of earth.


After Makuta took over Mata Nui's body, Takanuva and the Toa Nuva had assembled teams to resist the hordes of Rahkshi and Visorak. However, over the past month, the number of resistance teams had greatly diminished, leaving only a handful to fight Makuta's forces.


Although no contact had been made to captured Toa and Matoran, Nuparu had used his Volitak to gather a little intel about them. From what he saw, the prisoners had there minds wiped, and Toa had there masks removed as well as having inhibitors placed that separated them from there elemental powers.


A fragmentation blast shattered Piramu's cover. Piramu rolled out of the way as the earth split underneath the repulsive Panrahk. Piramu nodded to the Earth Toa as he removed his hands from the ground.


"We need to fall back!" The Toa used his Suletu to tell Piramu.


Nodding his head in affirmation, Piramu started to retreat towards the more wooded area of the district they were in. Almost to safety, Piramu's body froze. His head turned, and he saw an infected Komau on the Toa of earths grinning face. In the time it had taken for the Toa to use his Suletu, a Visorak had taken the lapse of concentration to immobilize him with a Rhotuka. An Exo-Toa had replaced his black Suletu with a mottled rusty Komau.


The Lerahk surrounded the Nynrah Ghost, shields ready to spew acid at the Toa's commanded.


The Exo-Toa's speakers crackled to life as Ahkmou's voice came through the static.


"Have you located the traitors?"


"Team numbered 211-2 has been incapacitated sir."


"Excellent!" Ahkmou's pleasure was obvious even through bios of static interference. "With this, the rebels have been crushed! I'll inform our new Great Spirit immediately!"



"And the meek shall inherit the earth…"




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