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ToM Dracone


Music: Jack Sparrow and The Kraken, Hans Zimmer

Mood: drained but happy


So midterms are going on this week – today was Advanced Algebra in the morning and World History II in the afternoon, which have left me drained but happy. I spent most of yesterday reviewing for Algebra – the class being equivalent to taking both Algebra II and Precalculus in one year, it's thoroughly exhausting, but I'm finally on top of things around it. I actually understood the formulas for sums of sequences, explicit and recursive definitions, sigma, and logs better than when we did them in class. (Well, maybe not logs, as we just did those.)


But the exam wound up being a lot easier than I expected! Although that doesn't mean it was easy. Oh no. There were exactly 28 questions on the whole exam, of which we chose 20 to do. But there were exactly twenty I had no problem at all with (they just took more than an hour and a half to do), so I actually think I did fairly well... Especially because this was easily going to be my hardest exam. Yee!


History was for the most part easy (there were a couple multiple choice questions where the answer was ambiguous, I thought), but with a really long (but really easy) essay... Then tomorrow I have Biology and English, then on Friday Latin and French. Usually I have Latin last, in the conflict exams spot (two languages! Woo!), but this time around I have French then. I like having Latin last, with so few other people taking exams with me; it's such a relaxing and enjoyable test. I finished my final last year in 45 minutes and then got a 99.5 on it because I forgot to translate the word "et." ^_^


Meanwhile listening the PotC2 soundtrack is giving me even more ideas, so I hope to have some time soon to keep writing chapter 13... Given how rare it is for me to start a new chapter right after finishing the old one.


So now I'm off to study for Bio and English. *dives back in*

~ ToM


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Et translates to and, correct? Like Ora et labora (the first saying I learned when teaching myself Latin, probably one of the few I remember). Or like Et cetera.


I wish my school taught Latin. It's really the only language I want to learn (that they might ever offer in high school---I also want to learn Hebrew and Greek).

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et cetera is Latin for "and likewise".


et is also French (one of several romance languages, which are derived from Latin) for "and".


-KIE, who was never offered a course in Latin until he was too busy to take it (college).

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Actually, et cetera literally means "and other things." But yeah, et as a conjunction means "and," but it can also mean "even" or "also"... For instance, Et tu, Brute? "Even you, Brutus?"
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