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My English Assignment



I had to write a dialogue between two people for my English class, so I did, and it turned out much more fun than I had imagined. Having to rely on speech alone to convey the surroundings and conditions was rather fun. So I thought I'd share it with you, I made up three characters for it. Here it is:

"Come in, Martin. I promise, the fireplace in this room is much warmer than the blizzard outside," Samuel greeted his companion.

"Ah, yes, quite. Your study is always a comfortable place. Allow me to hang up my coat and join you."

"Oh no, don't go to the trouble, hand it to me and take a seat. I wouldn't want you getting any ice or slush on that impressive sweater of yours."

"Thank you, my friend, it's always nice to see you here in your quarters. You always do manage to make the most of your space, for a landlord."

"It's my pleasure, you are quite the good friend. Your company is welcome. Thank you, I do take care to maximize the space in my home, as can be evidenced by how neatly I organized the books on the walls around you."

"True, very true. Say, is it me or does the room have a peculiar odor of fish? Did you dine on seafood recently?"


"Egads! You're right, Samuel, the animal is lodged in my chest!"

"It's a miracle you're alive! You're lucky you weren't lobotomized with a sea bass, or beheaded with a salmon!"

"You're right! But- How?"

"I suppose it's one of my better tenants, Howard, the man is quick with rent and takes good care of the apartment, but being a man of science he performs strange experiments."

"Well- Well- How do we get this out? I can't go around out in the streets with a trout sticking out of my coat in the freezing cold on those streets out there!"

"Oh! Sorry! Don't worry, I'm going to patch that up in a moment, my perpetual atomic relocation machine had a fluke while it was starting up!" Howard explained, out of nowhere.

"YIKES! You scared me by popping your head out of a gash in the time/space continuum, Howard!"

"Sorry Martin! Don't worry! Your friend will be good as new in... Five, four, three, two..."

"Why did he just pull his head back in, Martin?"

"Something about electro-physic co-proximity fields, if I recall correctly, he once mentioned them when I invited him in for a chat in the kitch-"

"GAH! Why, the trout's gone! I'm whole again, like it never occurred!"

"Miraculous! What wonders that tenant of mine works with his machines!"

"Oh, don't throw the man out, he did apologize and fix me up."

"Ha! I didn't mean that at all! That's one of the very reasons I let him stay in this renovated building of mine, he's impeccably responsible."

"Oh then, good. Tell me, how are your cats doing?"

"Quite well, I have to say, as I am careful to walk them and keep them fit. They quite enjoy sharing my room, it's enough for them, those starry-eyed little furballs."

Samuel and Martin are characters I made up out of thin air, the esoteric Howard is based off of H. P. Lovecraft, his name being an obvious homage, and the nature of his machines a tribute to Nyarlahotep in the story of the same name. Although I didn't make it very cynical, just rather absurd. But isn't everything about life that way?


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True, yet, unfortunately, life is also very, VERY cynical. VERY CYNICAL.


lol, :lol:


"I quite enjoyed that blog of yours, GMan."

"Oh, really Norik? You look rather pale."

"Oh- well that's just my trout acting up."

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