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So....I've been a member on BZP now for almost four years.

When I just joined I was, obviously like most people were, quite nooby..ish. A year passed, during my short time on BZP I had spent some time reading BZP comedies. Sadly during that time I read things like Toa Tafin's Coffee Shop and other super random comedies like that. I saw how everyone had these comedies with loads of replies and everyone loved them. I was like, "Wow! I can just make something stupid and people will love it!".


Obviously with the way BZP's comedy section has it's infamous reputation it's hard for a new writer to find decent inspiration from our comedy forums. So, out of my stupid ignorance, I wrote my first chapter of my first comedy, "Mata Nui". I felt pretty good. I had a comedy written. I also felt good that I had the only comedy still active at the time that was just simply entitled "Mata Nui". Except without reading the rules (and before they had that neat little spartan banner at the top to catch your eye about 300 words :P) I posted a comedy with a good amount of random in it, not a lot, but still more than a good comedy should. It also included toilet humor (though mild I'm not disgusting or anything :P) and was shorter than 300 words. I made it longer by making up something quick once I was told it was too short.


Eventually in the long run my comedy actually became successful and wasn't super random in ran on good (clean) humor with the occasional random thing thrown in, but not overdone. My comedy made it to the top 20 comedies in the original Bionilists even. My first comedy started running jokes that I still use including the "Hey! That's Kopaka's line!" used when ever someone just speaks a sentence of periods. Now most of those are only memorable to the people who read my comedy, but the point is, I eventually matured and put work and quality humor into my comedy and it became a hit while it was up. (though it ended two years ago)


What I'm trying to say to all you new comedy writers out there is this,

We need a revolution in our comedy forums. We need something new, fresh, and most of all just...funny. Don't start out the way I did. You see everyone else's random comedies take off for a while, so you think you can pull it off too 'cause there's nothing to it. The fact is though, if you want to write a good comedy, you gotta put work into it. You gotta care about what you're writing. You have to really want to make someone laugh with your humor. If not laugh at least bring a smile to their face. Write with good grammar and punctuation. If you can't write good at least use a spell check program when you're done, heck I even do that and I've been writing for years! If you don't have a spell check have someone proof read it or ask someone else to spell check it for you.

What we really need from you new comedy writers are people bursting with inspiration, someone who wants to bring quality back to the comedies forum.


Now I know we still have some quality comedies in the forums, but we have so many comedies in the forums that are "just another comedy" that the comedies that have really good potential of becoming the next great comedy of BZP don't get noticed and no one pays any attention to the comedies forum because it's known for it's random comedies that have no point or plot. The other thing is, if you had a successful comedy, and you have no inspiration for a sequel, but you're just bringing it back because your first one was successful, don't. Just let it fall back into the forums in peace. Don't try and milk any more humor out of it if it has nothing left to give. If you bring it back with nothing else to give, it'll just get washed up and forgotten, but if you leave your successful comedy alone it could very well be remembered as a classic or one of the great comedies of BZP. Another thing is even though people might beg you to write more chapters, don't rush yourself, take your time, there are no 30 day posting limits in writing a comedy and if you rush yourself you probably won't be writing your best either. Take your time and give it your all.


If you're a new author (or even a legend) who strives for quality in his/her comedies, and wants a good constructive review on your comedy to help you make a good quality, and just plain funny, comedy, then you can request a review from the Comedy Critics Club. We're here to help and we want to see you succeed just as much as you do. :)


Now I'm not saying you're gonna be the next BZP comedy legend, but I am saying your comedy will go a lot farther. And, if your comedy doesn't take off, you can at least know you gave it your all and you should be proud of yourself.


Today I currently write "Mata Nui High School" as my true second comedy (I can't really count my sequel to Mata Nui as my second). I don't consider it anything special, but at least I can say I try when I write each chapter.


Now get out there and write yourself a comedy! But...also remember that....disco is in this year!


-Jordboy1 :miru:


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