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Planning Ahead



In between school and work (and more school and more work) I have started to plan for BrickCon. I have travel plans made. I have a hotel booked. I also have some official Bionicle coordinator stuff done too. And EW has helped a bit too. And we have a couple of cool surprises in store. The event's gonna be pretty awesome.


As for those negative comments I heard about BrickCon on the last Powercast... take a hike. At least Seattle weather is more livible than that DC humidity. :P




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As for those negative comments I heard about BrickCon on the last Powercast... take a hike.

My thoughts exactly. I think the only reason BrickCon isn't as much fun as BrickFair is that there are never quite as many people.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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As for those negative comments I heard about BrickCon on the last Powercast... take a hike.

My thoughts exactly. I think the only reason BrickCon isn't as much fun as BrickFair is that there are never quite as many people.


- :l: :flagcanada:

Aside from the fact they still manage to get thousands of guests in the public expos, yes they don't get as many registrations. But there's a logical reason for that:


The cool people go to BrickCon B)

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Seattle as more livable? Really? The city with one of the highest suicide rates in the country? Because it's so darn depressing? Because the sun never shines? And it rains all the time?


Keep dreaming.

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Their argument is that they can't go to BCon, so thus it is less cool. It has nothing to do with the public (besides, we all secretly hate public hour.) Anyway, rain keeps things green and alive in Seattle and thats good enough for me. And the temp is never too hot, humid, or cold. And its a fast Internet hub so it appeals to bloggers. All the suicides are visitors who are so depressed that they have to leave the city and go back home. :P





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SF has Ghirardelli's Chocolate Factory, so naturally it is better than Seattle.

Therefore, BrickFair > Bricks By The Bay > BrickCon


Also, it's in California. B)

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Their argument is that they can't go to BCon, so thus it is less cool. It has nothing to do with the public (besides, we all secretly hate public hour.) Anyway, rain keeps things green and alive in Seattle and thats good enough for me. And the temp is never too hot, humid, or cold. And its a fast Internet hub so it appeals to bloggers. All the suicides are visitors who are so depressed that they have to leave the city and go back home. :P





No, the arguments against BrickCon all center around the facts that it's smaller, in a less fun city (seriously, cloudy, rainy, and lacking sunlight is BAD), and that the BIONICLE presence is negligible. I'm sure it's a lot of fun, it just wouldn't be as much fun for BZPers as Brickfair. Just not enough of the things we find interesting, and there are even less big name system MOCers at BrickCon. :shrugs:


But! I'm sure you and Rene will do a lot to make the BIONICLE presence felt a lot stronger than it has been in years past. :)

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Brickcon has myself, Brickfair does not. This alone speaks overtones :D.


Negative comments about Brickcon? I must review this powercast for myself, why on earth anyone would comment in a negative way about Seattle, or Brickcon is beyond my comprehension! Last year the weather was wonderful all 4 days, and I actually enjoyed public hours the most! Seeing the children, their eyes lighting up at the sights of legotopia, it made it all worthwile for me.

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My only problem is that Brickcon seems to coincide with the weekend our rainy/windy season starts. Three years in a row, at least! XP

That isn't a problem for me, I hate the sun :P


And if it bothers you guys too much, I know of a new con being planned for Tacoma soon, we hope. It'll be during Spring Break 2011. More details to come once we write them 8D

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