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Diary Of Other M

MT Zehvor


Well, I decided to (sorta) keep a record of what I do in the new Metroid that I've been playing. I'll probably update this weekly, since I'm busy during most weekdays. I may even do this for Reach too, depending on how well this goes.


Day 1:


Saw the opening cutscene for the 10 millionth time. Passed the test stage with little difficulty(and yes, I am just going to sit there when something grabs me, as I have no good counterattack moves yet). More cutscenes and landing aboard the "Bottle Ship." Reminds me of the ruined GFS Valhalla from Prime 3.


Found some GF Troopers after a short walk. After showing up Adam Malkovich with a missile to the door, I followed the troopers deeper into the big space ship/station thingy, where I got my first death courtesy of a giant purple monster composed of a bunch of tiny beetles. Eventually figured out where to go, although I'm really not liking this "dodge in 1st person" stuff.


Killed the boss after that and proceeded to Biosphere after getting an energy tank and some missiles. Found a couple things, the most interesting being a weird bunny that showed up twice. Eventually ran into a stupid worm thing that tossed bombs and got my 3rd death of the game(the other two coming from the purple monster). Killed it soon after though and proceeded to beat a stick monster into the ground.


Day 2:


Eventually made my way to some weird building thing for a meeting with the troopers. Lyle, my favorite anger management issue person was "late," though it was pretty easy to tell from the voice acting that he wasn't going to show up again--alive, at least. Found some weird space pirate drone things, and then the purple monster that I posted in a blog entry before showed up.


Samus rushed outside in her usual cutscene not giving a thought to what bad things could happen way, and got sat on by the purple monster("This is what I do: I sit on you"). Missile'd it's tail until I got saved by Anthony, another GF trooper, and his plasma rail gun thingy. Found Lyle dead and the cocoon of the bunny thingy there(velociraptor evolves from bunny?) Went to sector 3 then, hoping to find the purple monster. Didn't find it, though I found death: and lots of it. Got eaten by a shrimp thingy that lived in the lava multiple time, and then space pirates killed me even more. Eventually got my ice beam back and killed them all('bout time). Found my way into a volcano where I met a giant lava dragon thingy. Killed it and continued to sector 2 with my Varia suit. Got lost in ice, found speed booster, got lost again, found my way out, heading towards "survivors" supposedly.


Day 3: (Major spoilers from here on out)


Found Maurice frozen to death in the middle of a snowbank. Samus saw someone see her, and after another 5 or so minutes of searching, I saw the person who saw me(confusing I know). Ran inside the building, met her briefly(more like her running away from me), where she explained that the GF wanted anyone who knew about their bioweapon stuff dead, and that Maurice had been killed by a GF Trooper who was apparently doubling as an assassin. The conversation got interrupted by a giant bulldozer thing, being driven by whoever the traitor was, which I took down pretty easily(no deaths this time). Sadly, the woman got away, so I assume that, like everyone else, she'll be dead next time I meet her.


After being annoyed by an avalanche and a weird thing with elephant tusks and getting the wave beam, I went searching through the Pyrosphere for the big purple monster. Found a few expansions and then got ambushed by a giant lava shrimp/fish thingy. It got beaten pretty quickly as well(no deaths again). Starting to get the hang of this boss fighting here. Eventually found Anthony(the black dude with the insanely cool rail gun) getting his butt handed to him by the creature, so I got my grapple beam back and helped him again in the process. More flashbacks and stuff(Adam had a little brother?), and then finding my way through a bunch of complicated parts that I can't remember very well where I finally got to kill the stupid flying thing with elephant tusks. Got told to go kill the big purple monster, and found it's molted shell on the wall...bad sign is bad. A few more rooms, an energy tank, and an accel charge later, and I found Anthony trying to take something down with his plasma rail gun. After getting super missiles back and hitting the lava switch...(lava switch? really?), Ridley came out and made his grand appearance, confirming my earlier theory. Samus was an absolute wuss and pretty much got Anthony(NO NOT THE MBD) killed. Samus finally decided that SHOOTING the big purple dragon just might be a good idea, and after getting plasma beam authorized, the epic battle of epicness(with some awesomesauce music) started.


All in all, the battle was pretty successful. I only died twice(yes, success in this game is measured not by how much you live, but how many times you don't die), and that's pretty impressive when you consider I never used a missile/super missile, overblast, or lethal strike. Ridley's god-Moderator mode annoyed the heck out of me, but eventually I killed him. Well, killed him for 5 seconds. Then he got back up and ran away.


So now I'm trying to find the traitor in the biosphere. Not 100% sure why he would be here, but it was the only door open so yeah. Thus ends day 3 and probably week 1 of Other M.




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Yeah, I have, not too great at it either. The reason I died so much in sector 3 is that I'm not used to the camera angle, so it's kinda hard to see when to jump. That and the fact that I'm really bad at outrunning lava.



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Well, I'm always used to (especially in the Prime series) jumping to get out of the way. So this whole Ryu type move is a little disorienting.


Then again, Ridley kinda makes you used to the sense move. I'm a lot better with it now than I was two days ago.



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