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Toa-mods, Your Thoughts?



They seem to be the most common thing popping up in the BBC forum day after day, what do you people think of them? Are they a plague? Are they good for the forum and MoCing in general? Most will draw a negative conclusion from them, others will say they are the base for new MoCists.


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They're great if all you want to do is whip up a character to role-play with. I'm sure the majority of Toa-Moderator makers intend to make them for, but otherwise, it helps to put some more effort into the model design.



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I do not mind them, if they are good. I will generally be unimpressed by seeing a LEGO-made torso, and some custom (don't yell at me for using that word, anyone) limbs are nice. Color scheme is also impressive.


I can see the argument against them too, but good ones are quite cool.



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When it comes down to it, I think that Toa-Mods are all about execution. If one can add the proper little details, like some custom armor or unusual limbs, then the Toa-Moderator is good; if one does not, and--for instance--just changes the mask, lower limbs, and upper limb armor (and only uses pre-made limbs/armor), then it doesn't work well. Also, the general asthetic is vital. For instance, check out any of these MOCs for examples of good Toa-Mods. To see a couple of borderline quality Toa-Mods. One has the necessary originality, while the other is more asthetically pleasing.


~ BioGaia

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