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Amensia: The Dark Descent



I had to post on the site.


I needed to find a way to vent my excitement or I might explode.


Amnesia: The Dark Descent is made by Frictional Games, and also gave us the Penumbra series; the one horror series in any form of media that has successfully made me scream and stopped taking part in it on several occasions. Not to mention a good extra hour or so of gametime simply spent frozen in place, telling yourself you got to do something but you refuse to actually do it. If you've ever hesitated about jumping into a pool you know is freezing while hovering over the edge, you'll know exactly what I mean.


Most of you won't care, but this isn't about you.


This is about me blogging about the ridiculous anticipation I have. This is gonna be the first game I've seriously played in forever. The weather is perfect out for a scary game: dark, cold, gusty and the sounds of rustling leaves and branches making you wonder if something is just outside your window.


I can't wait to play, but I'm so tense too. I'm psyched and horrified at the same time.


I'll be back with some stories and possibly a screen shot or two. Possibly. I might just be busy hitting the 'escape' button over and over again.


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