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It Wasn't A Versus Topic!



It was a topic to talk about smartphones! Pitting things against eachother is not the only thing you can do when talking about smartphones!


Geez, I didn't know interesting discussion wasn't allowed here.


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Haha, any topic with "vs" in the name gets shut in COT. :P


I'm positive they'd let you make another smartphone topic if you don't mention anything competing different brands with each other, though.

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You mean if I'd said 'and' instead of 'vs' it wouldn't have been closed?


Why is this kind of discussion not allowed anyway?


Also, can't almost every topic be boiled down to a vs question?

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You mean if I'd said 'and' instead of 'vs' it wouldn't have been closed?


Why is this kind of discussion not allowed anyway?


Also, can't almost every topic be boiled down to a vs question?

My good sir, you seem to have stumbled upon the 'vrs' clause. It's true you can boil any broad topic -say, 'sports' topic or 'battery' topic or 'flying cheese' topic- down to a vrs topic.


The reason vrs topics are closed, however, is because it often leads to fanboys/girls yelling at each other, causing flaming and spam.


However, this rule is also illogical because any other broad discussion topic can also lead to that.


Basically, any topic with 'vrs' in it gets shut down, simple as that. Your topic should look like this instead:


Topic Name: Smartphones

Topic Description: *Nothing*



Greetings all.


Amongst all the topics on this fine website, topic to talk regarding the most intelligent of mobile phones, smartphones.


There's a lot of OSes. There's a lot of carriers. There's a lot of phones. There's a lot to talk about!


Predict who'll win the mobile war, talk about the merits of various phones, OSTs, carriers, OSes, anything, as long as it's smartphone-related.

Debating is fun, and non-debate discussion is fun too. So let's begin!


Basically, remove the 'vrs' and you're good. If it gets shut down again, I suggest PMing B6 and presenting your case to him.

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Why thank you good sir for your kind words. I'll do just that, but I shall wait a week first. For two reasons: 1. It's still on the first page and no doubt in the Moderator's memories. 2. It's the holidays then and I'll have more time to respond to people.

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You could try PMing Timoteo and explaining that you merely wanted it to serve as a topic for discussing smartphones and perhaps he would reopen it.
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