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Diary Of Reach

MT Zehvor


K so blah blah blah, those of you who saw the diary of Other M are probably pretty familiar with what this is. Anyways, it's just me chronicling what I do(or don't do) in the first runs of games, this time Reach.


Also yes I have it yay. No I haven't gotten to fly my spaceship(Sabre) yet.


Day 1: Not so long opening cutscene compared to Other M, the opening one is the one in the trailers where Noble Six gets introduced to the rest of his new team. Anyways, after being sent to investigate a group of rebels that apparently took down a military squad, I found the Covenant(and by Covenant I mean a truckload of Zealots) hiding in a bunch of houses. As if no one saw this coming. Not too much action to kick things off, but hey, it's the start of the game. One thing I like about this is the return of the "energy tanks" from...Halo CE, I believe? The health packs from ODST and Halo CE make a return here to recharge the energy tanks(bars at the bottom of the screen). But enough about that. More firefights, managed to get through this part without dying. Eventually found some house where Kat(who is a real "cool dude") told ONI through some comm link that the Covenant was here. Jorge and Emile almost got into a fight. I can tell this team isn't gonna work much better than the Toa Mata.


Went to some other base on Reach called sword base. More Covenant, got a warthog and learned again why I never let the AI drive. After driving through Elites and stealing a Ghost from a Grunt, I found some weird....tiny...wraith, I guess? It looks like a wraith, it shoots like a wraith(it blows you up like a wraith), and yet it's smaller and a million times more annoying because it's so fast and agile. Eventually blew it up, blah blah blah, activated a signal, got the heck out of there. Met a Phantom with the rest of Noble Team(and a bunch of annoying active camo Elites), blew it with these awesome lock on rockets, end of level(except for meeting Catherine Hasley, who also is a cool dude.


Day 2:


Night mission! Hooray...until I find out that it's a sniping mission. Oh well. Looks like the special sniper ammo isn't all that special...but that might be because I can't hit a moving target to save my life. Thankfully, not many of the Elites move all that much...until you hit one of them. Then it becomes pistol time.


After a lot of trying to figure out where to go and fighting more Elites, I came across some military base where a bunch of people were getting destroyed horribly by the Covenant army. After saving them, Jun decided to "steal back" the already stolen weaponry, and then a freaking truckload of Phantoms and enemies. After killing all of them, went to some riverbed(avoiding yet ANOTHER Phantom), and eventually Jun went in and planted a charge on a Covenant pylon's leg/arm/whatever the heck it is. Ran away, met another freaking Phantom, a Shade, and a Covenant Corvette. After a bunch more firefights, the mission ended, with Noble Six pointing out that Reach is being invaded.


Day 3: Wow, did a lot of stuff today. Finally got to flah my Sabre but that's later. Anyways, first mission I did started off with a boatload of warthogs heading straight toward a Covenant pylon, which apparently was disguising their forces that had already arrived. After barely making it over a cliff, Noble Six got up on his own will and saw a warthog crash into the edge of the cliff and fall through(the "DAT SAWX" moment of the game). Got a grenade launcher and started blowing things up. Eventually got to a Covenant AA gun in a rocket warthog. After fighting some enemies, I blew the gun up and went further on to find another AA gun, complete with it's own amount of annoying hunters and such. Blew the gun up(decided to ignore the hunters), and then watched a Phantom drop off like 5 Grunts. Some reinforcements. A Pelican stopped by and dropped off a garrison of Marines. Got to ride shotgun(with a turret) on a Falcon, and after blowing up a bunch of Covenant things, the pilot decided to fly straight into the Covenant shield around the pylon. Bad idea. Falcon crashed, and so we had to go inside and blow it up....annoying.


I'm actually getting really bored of typing all this stuff down so yeah. Blog probably ends here. I'm sad that Jorge died, but even sadder that he pretty much died pointlessly.




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1st, they are health bars, not energy bars. Next, It's carter who makes the call, Kat who fixes the radio. Also, the health bar is at the top of the screen.

I've always called them energy bars, even in the old Halos. 2nd, yes, Carter made the call, and Kat who fixed the radio, though I think she hotwired it more than anything.


I know who Hasley is from the books. I seriously doubt though that the Covenant would have called off the entire invasion because some Zealots didn't make it back alive.



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It's a Revenant, not Revanent, and it's not really a Warthog, more like a more agile Wraith. Otherwise TA was right on.


But I don't think they would have called off the invasion if the pre-invasion force didn't return. The scout ships in Halo: CE got blown up by Cortana/PoA, but the rest of the fleet still came.


Also MT, you've still got a while to go before you fly your Sabre. Have fun on... what difficulty?

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I deny knowing all of you weird, Halo obssessed people. You are weird. :|


Especially Kopeke. Get of the XBox fewl.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

I deny knowing you, wierd okami person. Get off the wii, Fool.


I normally hate Lev, but i fully support him here. Though Halo isn't a bad as Call of Duty.


Anyway, there's absolutely nothing wrong with Ōkami, though I do think Lev took it a bit too far at one point. But then, I did join him in it out of boredom. :/

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Besides, At least I don't change my name to anything halo related. On "the other place" lev changed his name, first to yami, then orochi.

Um....TA....you had your name as Jun for like 3 months...


That said, MT disapproves of video game arguments. I think both Okami and Halo are great. Why does it always have to be one or the other?


Also MT, you've still got a while to go before you fly your Sabre. Have fun on... what difficulty?

Dang it. I'm on Heroic currently.


Anyways diary updated.



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Forced to delete double post or entry stays closed(apparently you can't double post on blogs)


Anyways, I still have trouble believing that, regardless of how much Catherine Hasley knows about Spartans or Master Chief or the original Spartans or blah blah blah more book stuff, that the Covenant would have stopped the invasion. Delayed? Maybe. But there's no way in heck that the Covenant would have stopped the invasion just cause a few Elites die.


Remember: "When 10 Elites aren't enough to do the job, send in 20."



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Okay, I misworded that. I'm actually a Halo fan, though I don't play the games.


I've own the books (up to Contact Harvest), and I've read wiki stuff, so I know quite a bit.


But it is definitely at least somewhat overrated.


Though nothing like the atrocity of a video game known as Modern Warfare 2.

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But by that time, they would be prepared. Plus, halsey works with the office of naval intelligence. It's their job to know stuff.Plus, considering how the invasion went from small skirmishes to a planet-wide battle, I think she was right...

Does it matter how prepared they were? They had 60% of the UNSC fleet with them and they still got their butts kicked...horribly too. The Covenant army at this point is like WAY BIG and the UNSC is like not.



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Not to mention the Covies have been watching the humans for a while prior to first contact, so they at least know some stuff. The humans got taken off guard when the Covenant first appeared, and they haven't had as much time to study them, although they never said how long humans were watched before Harvest.


Heroic shouldn't be too hard... Co-op Heroic was okay, and even solo Legendary right now isn't particularly painful, aside from Exodus and the second half of Long Night of Solace.


Also I like just about all video games. Except FRICKING SONIC '06 AND MURAKUMO



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Err... TA. You do realize that what happens off of BZPower stays off of BZPower.


(Also didn't use the Wii so ownedT)


In any case, I dun dislike Halo. However, it is completely overrated and I am getting tired of hearing about it every time I walk five feet. So... lol. I'd like it more if fanboys weren't so annoying. Seriously, it's worse than Twilight in that regard.


Now, time to find some other person to annoy...


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Now, time to find some other person to annoy...


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Because it's the only thing you're good at?





No. Because annoying you is too easy. I need a challenge.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Aw, everywhere I go people say they're done with the game, and I don't even own it. :/


I'm starting the first Campaign mission on Heroic Co-op with a sibling, I know it's going to be fun. :)


Kpik out.

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It is. I personally recommend using a plasma pistol/battle rifle combo for the later levels, but you can go with whatever you like.


The game is really sad, of course. I wun spoil anything, but it seems like the ending was...well...I dunno. Even if it is just a video game, it seems like....owell I can't spoil it.



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Lol. Well one guy on the internetz calls it a noob combo. Anyways you hit an Elite with a charged plasma pistol, then go crazy with BR head shots(and I call it a battle rifle, I dun care what it's known as now).


I wouldn't say the ending was particularly sad, maybe because I knew what was coming. It was just sorta one of those games that makes you wanna go replay an older game...in this case that game being Halo 1.



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