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Black Six


Well, there we go, I knew it wouldn't last. :P

Anyway, tomorrow begins finals, so this is going to be a short entry. Well, actually, finals have already begun, since one of them is a take-home exam I received on Tuesday; but that's ok, it just gets it done faster. The take home and the exam tomorrow should be pretty easy, it's the one next week that's going to take a lot of studying. It makes me glad I have a week to prepare. :)

Looking back, the summer semester went by really fast. It feels like I've barely missed any summer, and I still have two months left before the fall semester begins, so that works out pretty nicely. To anyone ever considering taking summer classes, here's what I have to say: They go by quickly, they're generally easier, but there's a lot of work, since you have to compress what's normally two weeks worth of work into one. It's a compromise and one that pays off in the end, as far as I'm concerned. In a few days time, I'll be 9 credits or so ahead of most of my peers, and a little closer to that coveted degree.

Now, back to studying, wish me luck! ;)


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I was considering taking a Finance class in one of the summer sessions at my univ. but I decided I'd rather be making extra money...but now I almost wish I had taken the class so I wouldn't be bothered with it later! Congrats on the extra credits that you'll have...:D


And good luck on finals!!

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