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A Female Take Of Mythbusters



They often say that 'men don't get it'. That's an incomplete sentence, ya know. I think it oughta be: 'men don't get it - about women.'


Better yet for those who think that we're out of the ageist league (fanfiction that needs teenage heroes, for example): 'Boys don't get it - about girls.'


A lot of myths - urban and traditional - exist about women along men, and vice versa.


I'm here to clear one of those very popular myths.


'Women are, most of the time, die-hard shoppers.'


That's sometimes related to actions/words like 'Don't give her your credit card!' or 'Avoid the mall at all costs', maybe 'Ask her where she's taking the car' and the sort.


And this is one myth that is both plausible and busted.



How I can affirm that conclusion?


My little sister and I went on shopping adventures together whenever a parent went out. At times, it would be my twin sister, friends from school and I during the holidays.



The case went that one party would leave the mall with at least a bag with an item inside she purchased, and the other empty-handed. This occured at least 90% of the time, with me being the latter party.


It occured again last night when my twin sister bagged a pair of board-shorts, but I was interested in nothing.



So, if you worry about a nitpicky shopping girl being your wife, take heart that there's an equal amount of thrifts and miser-ly girls out there.


And go spend the extra money on the Barraki or something!




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Meanwhile, I die for a good sale wherein I can chat amiably to my mom about the wonderful cut of this or that piece of clothing. Heck, half the fun of going shopping is so that my mom and I can hang out in the girls section discussion the sociological/psychological aspects of the clothing, not to mention their cut, and whether or not I could conceivably wear it.




Yes, I am a guy. v_v







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You are? Nah Im kidding.


Well there are many differences between guys and girls men and women but they arent always true.


However it is true that I see a lot more girls than boys who like to shop.

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I wouldn't care about it, except how every single second rate comedian in the entire universe can't shut up about it. DEAR GOD. This is why I love Eddie Izzard. He loves to shop more than you do.

I like shopping, heck, even for clothing, but only at specific places. Vintige shops? Yes. Thrift stores? Yes. Bizzaire little shops? Yes. Urban Outfitters? Yes. Malls? THEY DESTROY MY VERY WILL TO LIVE.

I just wish that people would shut up. If you know a chick who has a problem saving money, then shut up and don't lend them money. If you know a chick who just wants to go over to the store for five minutes to pick up some milk, shut up you moron. Dear god.

Sexism (ageism too) is, indeed, for the lose.

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Ain't that the reason why I'm putting it up here, LMK? :lol: Some malls are detestable, but there are a few great shops - so as you mentioned. The bookstore's one of them. ^_^


Sexism (ageism too) is, indeed, for the lose.




Meanwhile, I die for a good sale wherein I can chat amiably to my mom about the wonderful cut of this or that piece of clothing. Heck, half the fun of going shopping is so that my mom and I can hang out in the girls section discussion the sociological/psychological aspects of the clothing, not to mention their cut, and whether or not I could conceivably wear it.


Me spies future image consultant. It's a good thing, too. You earn big bucks in that avenue of work.


However it is true that I see a lot more girls than boys who like to shop.


True, true. But, it normally averages out to a balance to see both genders at the malls and shops. Humans need to buy stuff to live. Period.



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My girlfriend was greatly disappointed that her "fun, quick" browse of the Big Store was, to me, "deathly long and boring." We fit the stereotype, all right.


It's only a myth when expressed in excessively broad terms.



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