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He poked his friend's leg and pointed at the girl at the back of the classroom, just nearby.


"<dd>'s wearing a skirt!"




I don't know if it's a trend to pick on girls that finally come to acknowledge their gender or something, but it seemed to be the case for me.



I was a jean-dresser, and still am. It was the fact that I had been poked at by several classmates of similar gender to wear a skirt for graduation day - which is still lightyears away - and one had particularly stated that it had to be a mini-skirt.


I decided that I was not going to wait so long for Humiliation Day.



So, today, on the last day of school and co-incidently a presentation day, I wore a skirt.



This skirt was a clever skirt. It was not a short one. In fact, it resembled black cargo pants if one never paid attention. I think that's what everyone thought it was at first.


Until my good buddy pointed out the sudden apparel change to another classmate - a loudspeaker classmate.


He announced it to a half-filled computer lab.


The fellow girls went into a moment of 'poke-<dd>-coz-she's-wearing-a-skirt' and 'quick-where's-the-camera', which left me close to blushing. Thank goodness it was a half-full capacity at that point in time!


When the other students arrived, presentation took over and it was with relief that I went to hide.



Until aforementioned Loudspeaker whispered to his late-comer friend that I was wearing a skirt.


He stared and murmured something along a miracle happening.



Five more people knew I was wearing a skirt before the class ended. I went straight home after the event.



But, I dare question, why all this hulaboo over a skirt?!


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Probably because as you stated you were a jean-dresser and your classmates would think of it as odd of you wearing a skirt and people normally have a good eye for things that they see as odd.

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I agree, what's the big deal? I usually wouldn't mention stuff like that anyway because classmates would be all "Why would you notice that KK? You must love her!" and that's still annoying even in high school. -_-


High-fives for going against your usual grain though, <dd>. ^_^





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Next time they won't even bat an eye. It's always the first time that raises eyebrows. To get the same amount of attention next time, it would have to be a short short skirt. Or a horse's head. Of course, you didn't do it for the attention.


...Or did you? :P



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