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Stupifying Sickness

Spoony Bard


No I am not talking about Disturbed.


For the past week I have been sick. Yeah sick, like everyone else is during this time. However it is different this year for me.


My family has a great immune system, a family trait I take with great pride in. So with that in mind, I have no allergies whatsoever. I can get a bee sting, and wipe it off with a poison ivy leaf. I also rarely get majorly sick. I never had the flu, nor a flu shot. I have extremely low cholesterol, one that my doctor says that people will kill for. The most dramatic effects in my health is the common cold, a sore throat and a stuffed head for like a week.


However things changed this year. I got the sore throat and the stuffed head. I never take any medicine to help, so I always brush it off without a care cuz it goes away anyways. Tables have turned on me. I actually had to stay home yesterday because I was sick. That is the first time in a really long time that I have done that. And for the most part, I have been feeling like crud.


So I hope I get better. :P




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I hope you get better! :)


I never get flu shots or those flu things either and I'm fine! :)


Well I do take medicine when I'm sick cause my parents make me and get all worried up if I get sick which is annoying sometimes. :P But I know they just want to healthy and fine.


Well I hope you get better.



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It sounds like that awful head cold that was going around. I had it in full force for about 2 weeks last month before it started easing up at all. It was awful, so I know exactly how you are feeling Omi. Go to the store and get some Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Complete care tea. That'll help cure what ails ya, and it tastes especially nice with honey.


Get well soon buddy!

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I don't really trust flu shots for some reason. I don't know why. I just don't.


I don't get sick too much, but when I do, it goes for a week, or maybe a month. Gah...



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I don't really trust flu shots for some reason. I don't know why. I just don't.

Cuz most of the time, people get the flu from the flu shot. :P



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I don't really trust flu shots for some reason. I don't know why. I just don't.

Cuz most of the time, people get the flu from the flu shot. :P



Well that's really true. Cause my friend got a flu shot and then a not-that-serious-flu from that. Kinda sad cause she was really sick.



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