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Kindle Or Nook



Does anyone have any strong opinions or facts on these eReaders? I am half-tempted to get one, and was focusing on Amazon's Kindle until recently someone had some great info on Barnes and Noble's Nook.


My biggest questions/concerns:

-Are buying books for it extremely cost-effective compared to the hard-version of a book?

-Are there ways to "borrow" a book for a short period of time, as I get most of my novels from the library? (And I know that really old books are usually free.)

-Are text-books available? While I could not resell them after the semester is over, if the price is significant enough then it might be worth it.

("Cost-effective" not including the actual price of the eReader. I'm inclined to put this on my Christmas list, though I still want to know about text-books especially if that will help me.)


I have played around with a Kindle twice and really like it, as far as reading a standard book goes. The size and weight is really a turn-on too. I know that it also has a wifi browser (and for more money could access some phone company's 3G network, not that I want that). I feel like taking advantage of its capabilities, being someone that likes technology, but the price and principles could make me stick to actual books for now until it really suits my needs.


-CF :kakama:


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A nook.


I have tried both, and the nook was the winner. the nook is able to accept PDF's, so that might help, and if you go into a Barnes and noble with it, all books on the Barnes and noble website are free to read in there.




Thanks for sharing the points behind why the Nook would be better! It is very helpful to know exactly what makes it ideal in your eyes.

(Hopefully others posts will too.)



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As far as design, the Nook looks better with not as many buttons, and if you hack it, then you can get these little widgets called Nooklets.
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I haven't had much experience with either, since I'm perfectly fine reading off my laptop or an actual book. BUT I do know my school (at one point) was using textbooks on a Kindle, and that would be worthwhile (especially if you got to keep the files after the semester. I've had to buy some other virtual textbooks that you read online, but they cut your access to them off once the class is over.)



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I haven't had much experience with either, since I'm perfectly fine reading off my laptop or an actual book. BUT I do know my school (at one point) was using textbooks on a Kindle, and that would be worthwhile (especially if you got to keep the files after the semester. I've had to buy some other virtual textbooks that you read online, but they cut your access to them off once the class is over.)




I don't have much experience with both either, but I have a friend and fellow author who uses a Kindle. She really likes it, and I've been considering getting one too.


And a text-book thing would be really helpful. then maybe I won't be hauling home two or three textbooks every night...

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OK, next questions:

The Nook looks pretty versatile. Is the entire screen color, or just the bottom section? Also, I assume that bottom part has a keypad if necessary?

How are both when it comes to surfing the web? BZPower and social networking come to mind, and gmail. I remember an xkcd talking about Wikipedia though on the Kindle, so I guess simple text-based sites are pretty good. (I know it's not an iPad (I don't want one, but they seem handy), but can I post a short blog entry or watch a video online?)


Now, if the Nook can read PDF's, are those in color? Would BrickJournal appear pretty nicely?


EDIT: The more I look into it, at comparisons between the two, the Nook really does seem like the best option. It can display books like the Kindle, and do so much more that the Kindle can not.



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Alas, never fear!

The nook provides a black-and-white E Ink display for viewing digital content with most navigation and additional content provided through a color touchscreen.
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OK, next questions:

The Nook looks pretty versatile. Is the entire screen color, or just the bottom section? Also, I assume that bottom part has a keypad if necessary?

How are both when it comes to surfing the web? BZPower and social networking come to mind, and gmail. I remember an xkcd talking about Wikipedia though on the Kindle, so I guess simple text-based sites are pretty good. (I know it's not an iPad (I don't want one, but they seem handy), but can I post a short blog entry or watch a video online?)


Now, if the Nook can read PDF's, are those in color? Would BrickJournal appear pretty nicely?


EDIT: The more I look into it, at comparisons between the two, the Nook really does seem like the best option. It can display books like the Kindle, and do so much more that the Kindle can not.





the top is not color, but you can put it in the color screen, but i don't know how.

The internet is black and white, and the color screen shows the page as well.

It does not show videos.

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IMO, I think it's cheaper just to stick with the old paper stuff.

i just wrote an essay for my english class about how e-readers are evil and will destroy the world


would you like to read it

I'll take the condensed version here, if you want to.

E-readers are evil and will destroy the world, because they are the way of the future. As much as I like having the "old paper stuff" in my hands, what e-readers have done so far is astounding and useful if you like that format. I'll still have plenty of real books I'll still touch and use, but it seems there are advantages to an e-reader and I am someone who is intrigued by new technology.


(Also, LK, while the Kindle has good stuff about it said, the Nook has even more good stuff because it can do more, costs about the same, and is not much different.)



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