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Riisiing Moon


They're fantastic right?


I mean, what other day can I wake up at 10:30 and think, 'Ah, I missed school--oh wait, weekend!' and fall back asleep for another hour and a half.


Seriously, whoever made these things is a genius.


Anyway, real-blog-entry-#1! :happydance: My aunt's in town for a few weeks, and we watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland last night. We watched the first twenty minutes or so of Edward Scissorhands first--also Burton--before switching to AiW. And man, that man is a genius. It's not downright scary to watch a Burton movie--it's haunting. It's disturbing. Unnatural. Everything seems so...off. My aunt and I may have put it into words, even if it's a bit vague. Everything, in a Tim Burton movie, is always either completely perfect--and therefore anything nonessential is not included--or so close to perfect, but there's a revealing inch away from perfection. For example, in Edward Scissorhands, the houses are small and virtually empty. Every item is used, and every item that wouldn't be used were it in the movie isn't even in the movie. In AiW, dialogue includes only exactly what needs to be said. Colors are so unnaturally vivid and real, and the effect is simply disturbing. Perfection puts us off.


Needless to say, it was a fantastic movie, even the second time around. See it, if you haven't.


So if you got this far, I've got a question for you guys. My premiership purchase, as I'm sure you know, got me a proto boost. What's your guys' opinion on this? Do you think these proto boosts should be handed out for this purchase? Does a member deserve to be an OBZPC for only purchases of premiership? What do you think?


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I watched twenty minutes of Alice in Wonderland on a plane and I sincerely wanted to kill myself.


On the other hand, Nightmare Before Christmas is so amazing <3

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Well, the beginning isn't so great; a bit too subtle for Timmy if you ask me. I think if he'd made it a lot more disturbing and in-your-face he would've been better off. Then again, it was largely aimed at a younger age group. But seriously, wait until she gets into Wonderland. Especially if you like Nightmare Before Christmas.

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Oh yes. Tim Burton is a wonderful director, and his movies are all thrilling but not scary, even The Night Before Christmas. It's not quite scary, but it's thrilling in a way you can't quite put into words.


As for your second point, I believe that someone who gets OBZPCship or POBZPCship deserves it no matter what they do, because some people might not feel like paying 7, 11, or 35 U.S. dollars to ensure that this site is around in the future. That means they really care about it. As for those who gain proto without buying it, then kudos to them because they really deserve it.

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It was reaching the part reaching Wonderland where I gave up. It was sooo bad.


tbh, Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse's Bride are the only good Tim Burton movies.


and yes, premier members deserve proto because they are helping the site, and if donating money didn't offer rewards, no one would do it xP

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Hahaha!! I love weekends! I was up till six in the morning living off of iced tea and grapes. :D


... Alice in Wonderland? I honestly didn't like the new one. Johnny Depp just creeped me out at his Mad Hatter role, because he looked like Willy Wonka, but acted like Jack Sparrow.


About that Proto Boost. I'm all for it :D People go Premier for wanting to support BZP (at least, that's how it should work) *coughshouldcough*, and Proto goes for making BZP a better place, so I'm thinking all's well that ends well.

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Winnie--I know exactly what you mean. They're really disturbing, but sort of drawing, too; they're genuinely thrilling and exciting movies to watch, if you can get into them. The concepts alone are usually alien enough to pique your curiosity.


TFL--Well, it's all opinion. I can see what aspects would draw someone to Corps Bride and Nightmare Before Christmas and define the kind of person who doesn't like AiW. Still, I think you should wait it out, or at least fast forward.


Aderia--I wish I could be you. :P


I think you either love Johnny Depp or hate him. Usually he's a specific kind of role, and you have to be able to identify with it.

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