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I know, I'm crazy for attempting it. I'm already having enough of a time balancing homework, a social life, sleep, keeping in touch with people back home, and theatre care and feeding, among other things, and in November I'll be having play practice every week and then heck week and then the actual performance, followed by Thanksgiving break. Come to think of it, that isn't so different from last year.


But you know what? It made me write, which I generally only do when there is a contest (SSCs) or something similar (NaNo)

going on, and until I've reached the point where I can be trusted to spew words more spontaneously, this sort of thing is good for honing my authorial powers, or at least using them more.


On an unrelated note, California girls make me sing and shout; they really leave the East behind.


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Yay NaNo! I'll be doing it again too, despite not having touched my unfinished work from last year. I, too, enjoyed the writing surge that was lacking since then.


I just have to decide between my two story ideas...



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And Georga's always on my my-my-my-my-my-my-my-mind.




I kinda faked my way through it last year, and still didn't reach the upper limit, and I'm trying to be more studious ths year, so... probably a no go for NaNo for me. ;)



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I'm planning for this year already! :)


(by planning I mean telling everyone what i'm doing so I can't back out :P)

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I kinda faked my way through it last year, and still didn't reach the upper limit, and I'm trying to be more studious ths year, so... probably a no go for NaNo for me. ;)



Really? You still didn't make it? Well, goes to show you...

You should totally do it the proper way this year. You will either find time or, like me, realize you have too much work to do so end yet hopefully still feel happy because you wrote so much in so little time and had fun.

The way I see it, I waste so much time on other things, if I just forgo blogging and reading blogs and ignoring half the internet maybe I can write for two hours a day without feeling guilty for not doing homework.



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I am most definitely entering this year and luckily for me I already have an idea of what I want to write.



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