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The Temple Of Air

ToM Dracone


So, I finally got around to making the last category banner today...


And I'm also looking around for a photograph of forest-claimed ruins to make a new banner for QfLD. I need a picture for the Temple of Air, where Kopaka, Onua, and Pohatu were studying at the beginning of Chapter 12 of QfLD, since it becomes a rather significant setting toward the end of the story... Plus I just like it as a location, going along with the Temple of Rain as one of the elemental temples remaining from Éa-Nui. Haven't thought up any of the others yet, though.


...I also wish magic were real. There are two things hanging over me right now, one of which happened recently (although I knew it was coming) and has now left me gloomy and in pain – much more so than I had expected. Rather so much that I can't ignore or forget about it right now, although that will come. The other I'm more hopeful about (indeed, almost happy by comparison), but I wish it, too, could be avoided. But with magic... both could have been resolved in an instant, leaving me with neither pain nor stress.


But the more one wishes for a fantasy, the worse the reality becomes. So I'm going to go distract myself by dreaming about getting Nocturn and the Viking Longship next weekend. That's one thing I can't wait for.


And until then, I can lose myself in Le-Wahi and the Temple of Air.

– ToM


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Can you make me one? :P


If you look on google, just search for like aztec empire ruins cause some of them look pretty similar to Kini Nui. :)



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But the more one wishes for a fantasy, the worse the reality becomes.

That is too true. The more I dapple in my own worlds, the more people bother me. I'm sorry times have been rough for you. *hug!* Just keep a good face on and show life who's boss. :D Your new reading task should keep you distracted. *slight nudge*

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