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Technology As A Steel Trap



I live by technology, I'm one of those "bleeding-edge" kinda people who loves to dive into the latest and greatest (most of the time). So when I get tangled in tech gone awry, it's always a little bit of a shock.


For the last couple of weeks, I'd wondered why I haven't been hearing from my LEGO contact(s) much. At all, actually. I figured they were ignoring me... wouldn't be the first time. Today, though, I decided to check my ISP's spam catcher, which has a tendency to be greedy and suck in things it shouldn't, and lo and behold - there were a dozen important emails from TLG that I'd missed.


Grrrrrr. No matter how many times I whitelist "lego" it still gets caught. Annoying.


The good news is that I've had several phone calls with TLG over the last week, so there was nothing truly dropped, just a few things a little delayed. And a few, I was kinda glad I hadn't gotten. "So, is LEGOFan up yet? Is it? Is it back online? When will it be back? Are you working on it? When's LEGOFan gonna be back? Huh? When? Huh?"


Guess I'll be double-checking my spamcatcher at least once every couple of days from now on. After all, I might miss an important opportunity to help some dead Nigerian diplomat smuggle his posthumous fortune out of the country. Or miss another opportunity to enhance or decrease various parts of my body. Or I might not be able to invest in all those fascinating "hot stock tips" I keep seeing for ScamCo Industries. I'd hate to miss out on something really important like that.


It doesn't help that I get nearly 500 emails a day, of which 50-100 are actually things I need to read and deal with. So I like seeing an empty email box. I guess the downside is that I'll miss something. Like when I was waiting for a job interview for a sweet full-time position. The response never came, never came, and so I took a contract position. Two weeks later found the interview request in my spamcatcher. D'oh!




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Don't yell at the Spamcatcher. Yell at the spammers. What would a world be like without spam? I'll probably never live to see it... :P

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Well, BZPower e-mails used to be caught in my spam filter all the time. :P


Yeah, it’s a bummer when stuff like that happens. I’ve lost important e-mails from CollageBoard that way too. If only spam filters would catch what we don’t want and give us what we want… but technology isn’t that good. And maybe that’s all for the better…



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The problem has been with the ISP's spamcatcher, I don't have much control over what it decides to intercept and quarantine. I can't change the ISP's spamcatcher software.

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Just ask Dvorak. HE GETS NO SPAM! He as this way cool filter type thing its way awsome. If I wasn't lazy I would fire of an email to him. And yes he would get it cause thats how good is spam catcher is.Well any way onto the subject of spam. I got some cooking now!I am going go eat some spam! JKTK

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