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The Force Unleashed Ii



Just saw the "cinematic" trailer for this.


Looks pretty interesting, I'd recommend going to watch it if you like the franchise, as, if nothing else, it has some cool effects and uses of the force. First one was apparently short and lacked a good plot, so I never picked it up, but it looks like they're trying to make up for the last plot on this one.


Hopefully the Wii port won't just be a gimmicky attempt to use the Wiimote as a lightsaber and they'll actually get it right if they try that again. If not, that's why I bought a computer with an i7 and a dedicated GPU this time - So I can actually play the cool games when they come out. Hopefully it'll also have a recap of the first game or I'll be able to find a cheap copy of it.


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I really like their trailer, it's fun to watch. Though, from what I saw of it, I'd personally rather read it as a story than play through a game -- SW games never really give me much entertainment, except for Battlefront.

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I'm actually hoping for dual-remote control for the Wii :|


Though, honestly, I wouldn't say the first game's plot was bad; just nothing special. It had it's moments, and the graphic novel did a better job than the game did. I wouldn't know, though, seeing as I only played the DS version and read the graphic novel. :|

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Dull and repetitive? Normally I'd just shrug and say each to his own, but you seem to be forcing in on me so I'll debate the subject:


IMO, it was not repetitive. There were times in the DS game when it was just 'kill this guy, kill this guy, hack this guy', I agree. The gameplay was indeed very repetitive, and not very challenging when you got down to it. But I speak of the plot, not the gameplay.

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Who says the plot is bad? The plot is fantastic, absolutely fantastic. Better than the plot's of some of the movies, to be perfectly honest. Seriously.


The gameplay can be frustrating and repetitive, but it's certainly worth playing (force throwing Jawas is always satisfying), especially if you like Star Wars at all. And the second one looks like it will be fixing all the annoying stuff about the combat, so I'm excited.

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