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Lady Kopaka


SO EXCITED. Why can't it come sooner? I might just end up being a NaNo rebel...


I asked before, asking again. Who's joining me in this madness, even if you're not aiming for 50k? I'm hoping to get some things done; the arts/writing is only the few things that keeps me from falling apart these days (even though I don't do enough).


Like last year, I'll make a list of all the BZPers! Is anyone also on the website? (I'm almost certain B6 said we could talk about it as long as we don't link it...sorry if I misunderstood) I'd love to know about y'alls ideas and stalk your word count. I just wanted to bother everyone with this, I'm trying to get my mind off other things.





the crazy folk joining me in this!






Vezok's Friend

Sakaru Krom




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I'm in and have been doing a count-down as well! I just need to figure out what story I'm going to write...I got to 50k last year and still managed to have an incomplete story. (Though I could probably shave at least 10K off due to lengthy expositions made out of desperation to finish when I was blanking out...) but I doubt it would carry me through to another 50k, and I don't want to be stuck mid-wrimo.


*sigh* I'll figure something out...


Edit: My nano account name is writers_block

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We should totes do some sort of group writing sesh connected by IM. That would be fun.

Great idea! We should definitely plan to that sometime.


I'm all in for this. Though it should be on the weekend if we do.


But yeah I know I need motivation/support, so I'm sure others would like this idea as well.


And you all can find my address on my profile/blog/staff bio. Feel free to add me.


Oh, and as for what I'm doing with NaNoWriMo, see the latest entry in my blog [linked in banner] -- #1 New York Times Bestseller/NaNoWriMo.



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Let me just say that I would rather spend my time writing my novel than participating in a massive IM chat. Seems the better idea.

I do, however, hope to do a writing session or two IRL, like I did last year.



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Let me just say that I would rather spend my time writing my novel than participating in a massive IM chat. Seems the better idea.

I do, however, hope to do a writing session or two IRL, like I did last year.



I would agree, but ti would be nice during mid-November when our brains are fried and motivation is low. I've done these sort of sessions via IM with a friend or two, and it actually does help.

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I'm in. (Zarayna Foireann there)



And I totally agree with Lady K. nothing motivates me more that an AIM chat sometimes. :P



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I've considered doing this for years and years...but never actually done it. And while I actually want to do it this year, November is pretty much the worst possible month this year for me(a long-awaited epic book coming out the 2nd, a holiday in the Scottish highlands in the middle of the month...hmm...). I may go for it anyway though. *goes to look up site*

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I would agree, but ti would be nice during mid-November when our brains are fried and motivation is low. I've done these sort of sessions via IM with a friend or two, and it actually does help.

Personally that sounds quite nice to me. Count me in? I just hope I have my ideas together by November...

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I was really trying to decide whether or not to attempt this again. Last year I made it to 4,000 words before I died. XD; But I don't feel too bad considering I won Script Frenzy (write a 100-page script) last April. :D So I guess you can put me down as a possibly. I may start and then stop. Or maybe I'll win this year! Not. But anyway, account name is Aeche.


Also that Charlotte GIF is awesome.

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I'm crazy for doing this during the busiest time of the year for me...but why not? If I'm ever going to break out of my writing slump, might as well be now. I signed up - username: Sonofthunder.

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Alright; I'm convinced. Once I sign myself up, I'll take a crack at it, despite all the madness in my life as is. :P



Hun, take a look at my life--I'm doing this so that (ironically) I don't go mad by my mad world!

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Well, my Nano name is now Onyx05 (yes, I do have to use the name 'Onyx' for everything). Hooooo boy, what am I getting myself in to...

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I've heard a lot about this, and I'm probably going to do something for it. I probably won't reach 50k, but yeah.


I've got a few ideas spinning around in my head, but putting them all out on paper is going to be hard...


As for chatting, I've often found that it actually does help with inspiration about ideas and such. If you guys are going to do something like it, I'd be happy to join.



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