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First, I must open this entry with an observation: When I was in the locker room before gym, I saw in the window of my PE teacher's office a sign that said "Character is who you are when nobody's watching." And we all know people who are absolutely nasty when not being watched, so this means that that must be their character showing. And everybody's suffered one of those "character-building" excerises, but what if they actually work? Thus, an explanation for half the things that are wrong in the world. You see, the obnoxious dolts have their 'character' built, thus they become more dangerous. Therefore, our society is also fostering stupidity.



Anyways, my school day was really not that exciting. We did watch the Grammar rock part of Schoolhouse Rock in English and take notes, but it's pretty nondescript. Gack. So anyways, after school my friend Steve came over and we worked on Social Studies homework, talked, and perused the interweb. So I didn't have a chance for a snack or anything... But it was fun browsing around. However, he was over for a while, and he left at five, and I was super hungry coz I hadn't had anything to eat since 11 AM when I had lunch, and it was just very irritating... Oh, and if you can guess who said this quote (and it's not from any noob sprite comics), you might recognize one of the places I went to: "Muffin!"




I still gots some homework to do... Nurg...


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No... Me is no can guess....

Gack, though. Very very gack.

Character is who you are when everyone's been sucked into an interdimensional portal filled with Cheeze-Its.

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No, silly, I said 'not noob sprite comics'. It was on another site. Sheesh. I made that clear, you should have realized it wasn't sprite comics. Geez.
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I hate charachter ed actiuvities. Its just junk for fake adults who are stupid enough to believe they can make teenage punks into little angels who love each other.


I hate it.

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