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Great Moments In Advertising Stupidity: Vol. 2



"But T," you'll say. "There was never a Volume 1!" And yes, that's very true. But I figured there's been so many instances of stupid advertising that I've left the first volume on the shelf, in honor of all those campaigns that have come before.


Today's topic comes hot on the heels of breaking news today. Boston officials were put on edge this afternoon when a number of small "devices" were found around the city. Working carefully, it was discovered that these devices were not active, and quite benign in nature.


It was later discovered, much to my personal chagrin that they were intentionally left there by employees of a certain broadcast company advertising a latenight program. More shockingly, there were similar devices left in cities such as New York and Atlanta. And according to reports, they had been there for a number of days prior to their discovery.


Why am I displeased? It's because I cannot stand viral marketing. Though they have apologized and claimed to not have any harmful intent with the use of these devices, I have a gut feeling that they knew just what they were doing when they laid out this campaign. What better way these days to get a moment in the spotlight than to dig up a controversy. Considering the nature of the 24-hour news monster, it's not surprising how easily one can accomplish such a feat.


I hope that those involved get more than a slap on the wrist for this. Considering that there are usually some serious consequences for causing a commotion such as this. I didn't watch the show much before this. Odds are I probably won't go back at all now.


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I agree, I read about that and it's just ridiculous. Whatever happened to just trying to harness the internet and TV? I guess it's because you can't really avoid a horrifically invasive spread of advertisements everywhere around you. If you ask me viral marketing is dumber than that PS3 commercial with the baby and the floating PS3.
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I agree, I read about that and it's just ridiculous. Whatever happened to just trying to harness the internet and TV? I guess it's because you can't really avoid a horrifically invasive spread of advertisements everywhere around you. If you ask me viral marketing is dumber than that PS3 commercial with the baby and the floating PS3.

That commercial is awesome.

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