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Lemme explain how I got the chance to get in a blog entry, and this one too, in my school library, on one of its usually inaccessible computers. See, some dopes were messing around in the library and mistreating the computers and messing around with them, and such, so the principal decided that we can't play games on computers until next Monday and can only do homework, and if we don't improve our behavior we won't be allowed to play games on the library computers for the rest of the school year. So not many people are on computers, and those who are are taking advantage of the fact they can't play games but they can go on joke websites, funny websites, or places like here. So I saw an open computer, ran for the chance and logged on. Then I logged in, looked around, typed the previous entry, looked around some more, and then wrote this entry here. And expect anotheer entry when I go to computer class. Hoo-ray, I'm typing, sitting in a concrete deathtrap built to force data upon students...


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I hate it when an entire class is punished because a group of underdeveloped life forms have to go all out to prove their stupidity............


Hmm.......Is it just me, or did that sound exceptionally goth?

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