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Varderan's Weekly Update 11/2/10

Illustrious Var


Haven't posted anything here in awhile so I figured I'd do something to get me using my blog some more.

Currently it's been extremely boring life-wise, which is ok because that gives me time to get more sleep, and everyone knows more sleep = win.



Also rank cap on Halo Reach got lifted today, which makes me very eager to rank up so I can get that Pilot helmet. But until then EVA works for me.



As for podcasting, I'm currently done with it for awhile, mostly do to an issue we had thats been resolved, but even still I think it would be nice to have a break, so as of now I'm not a regular host, or the editor, only thing I'm doing for TTV at the moment is continuing my progress on the site.



Also, I've been starting on getting a portfolio of my art started, figured now would be a good time to start getting some stuff in there. Currently there isn't much, but it'll build up eventually :)



And final words: Kids, Stay in school, that is unless your school is an evil headquarters housing the most dangerous villains from around the world all gathered into one building to start raising an army with plans to take over the world and destroy the universe, while also eating coffee and drinking sandwiches from an unknown Texas hotdog stand, which is for some reason located in New York rather then Texas....


......well bye.




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