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Modern Technology Makes Me Feel Old



No, seriously. I know I'm only thirteen and yet I feel old. Weird. Look at this topic. Makes me feel even older. I can remember a good chunk of my life without any DVDs and lots of videos. Tons of them in fact. TV shows, movies, whatever, it was all on tape. I also still have a bunch of taped Pokemon episodes dutifully gathering dust in the basement. I'm just thirteen and yet all this technology makes me dizzy. I shouldn't even blink about it and yet I feel olllllllld. Plus I have plenty nostalgia for old shows like Captain Planet or Batman: The Animated Series and its spinoffs, or Reboot... Great, all this blog entry is doing is making me feel older.


Oh, and I'm writing this on a library computer. Hoo-ray, spending my school's electricity. What an environmentalist I am.


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Yeah, I know. I feel the same way.......

Hey! Think of it this way: Now we can

tell them what it was like back then!

"You little kids, with your fancy technology!"



I've actuallly done that. :P


~Lt. Torhuki~

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