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Word To The Wise



If someone says they're going to change everything for the better and they just need you to do this thing that's against your better judgement in order to get it done, think before you listen to them and analyze what they say immensely, because if someone has to tell you they're going to change everything and their idea doesn't wow you so much that it speaks for itself, it's probably not going to be more than a drop in the ocean.


And no, for once I'm not talking anything political. I'm talking something on here, hence this being sorted under "BZP"


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I cant stand entries like this, makes me hunt around for stupid topics then they're usually really tame and the children are just being childish as usual.


Not saying whatever issue this is is unimportant, but just link it and you'll look cooler

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I cant stand entries like this, makes me hunt around for stupid topics then they're usually really tame and the children are just being childish as usual.


Not saying whatever issue this is is unimportant, but just link it and you'll look cooler


It's not something that can be linked. It pertains to an agreement made via AIM on my old computer, which is now dead and all that, that's from about a year ago and to many would just seem petty now. The person the agreement was made with was older than me as well, so it was far from "Children being childish"

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