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A Bit About Me....



Hey, you all know me as Kohaku. And yes I am a fan of Nintendo's WiFi connection. But more on that in a bit...

First my name, Kohaku is a character in Inuyasha which is an anime. Kohaku is a boy who gets controlled by an evil demon. Sounds fun doesn't it. Anyway translated Kohaku means amber.


Let's see... Bionicle. I have every set that is avaliable except some of the new ones. I have all of the comics, seen all of the movies and am an expert. Yes, I also have all of the books, except for a few of the more recent ones.


And now for the games. Nintendo is one of my favorite company, although I've played Xbox and have a PS2. I plan on getting the Wii and an Xbox 360 when the price goes down. I was going to get a PS3 until I found out it would be $600. I love Super Smash Bros. and am almost unstoppable, so when Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out you guys better watch out.


I am currently playing the DS everyday. Some of the games I'm playing are:

New Super Mario Bros.

Metroid Prime Hunters

Brain Age

Animal Crossing

There are more but it is late, where I am and I have to go to bed. I'll add more to these topics tomorrow. :)




Recommended Comments

Great at Smash Bros., are you? When Brawl comes out, we'll see who's the best.


~Challenger Approaches: Giganuva


Yes, I am very good. Challenge accepted. :) Now remember your going to lose. :P Just watch now that comment will be my undoing.



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