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MT Zehvor


After visiting a local Burger King, I have officially lost all faith in Kinect.


What's next, dodging Warthogs by diving behind a couch and sword fighting by swinging a closed fist?




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No matter what you do, I don't think you can successfully remove any buttons from video game control and make it work.


Aaaaand that's exactly what Kinect just did.


Although I imagine a demo at Burger King wouldn't have worked as well as it would on one's personal Xbox, because the setup process takes steps to more easily recognize each person's movements.

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They seem to have put a lot of money into advertising it.


Last night I saw at least two Kinect commercials for every commercial break.



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It was. But then came Wii Music. And Wii Play. And Wii Sports Resort. And before you knew it, the whole Wii market was so saturated with the games that were just designed to show how the motion control sensor worked that you couldn't find anything that was actually a game based around a story instead of just playing with motion control.


My other main problem with this whole motion control thing is that I don't want to have motion control. I don't WANT to flail my arms around like a hyperactive 4 year old when I play video games. Some motion control, such as the ability to aim away from the center of the screen in FPSs(Metroid Prime 3) or the ability to make drawing a ton faster(Okami) is very welcome. But to have every single aspect of the video game based on motion control is taking it way too far.



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i wouldn't doubt kinect just yet if the family games dont succeed then the horror titles for kinect will

I think I'd have a heart attack playing a kinect horror game. XD


Ooooor I'd feel even more disconnected from the experience because you can't feel pain. But I guess that's a good thing? Meh just gimme some plain old Half-Life.

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Horror games? How the heck does that work? There's no controllers....


And yeah, for the people who have TVs in their room and play video games there, there's nowhere near enough room for it. Like Dakama said.



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