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*cracks Neck* What'd I Miss?



Seriously, fill me in. I'll give you an update.


Grade: Senior (stayed back my sophomore year)

Relationship Status: In a Relationship Since June. Her name is Maegin (pronounced Megan). She knows you all. She reads this blog.




She knows what kind of people you are.


I've had a lot of time to rest, think, be myself, learn about myself, be a ##### to myself and those around me, and all have an excuse as to why I have that right. I've become what monks called enlightened.


I found my true, inner disliking to large groups of political parties and people entirely.


You see, back last year in August, I fell and twisted my ankle. Or I thought I twisted my ankle. I was trying to perform a 540 kick, but I stopped midway in fear of how awesome it might be and the consequences that would follow. I saw that, because of the fact this kick was going to be so cool, I could disturb the very reality of the world I live in. It would cause earthquakes, erupt volcanoes, create tsunamis, drop the stocks, stop the production of water bottles. COMPLETE AND UTTER CHAOS.


Because I prevented your death, no good deed goes unpunished. I received a small tear in an ankle ligament on my right leg. For the last year, I've been walking on it, avoiding running unless extremely necessary (we won't talk about those moments) and limping. A lot. Mostly all the time. Apparently I have whats called a 'High Pain Threshold', so being in the middle of a financial crisis, I didn't sway anything. I had no health insurance. I had no money. We were living in someone else's house, and we did for nearly a year. It was one of the lowest points of my life money-wise. But we got back on our feet, my mother found a job, and so did I. When you hit rock bottom, the only way you can go is up (or continue being in rock bottom, but that is dark and spooky).




I couldn't really connect with the people there.


Now we live in an apartment complex again, tight space, but we've made it home. And we're happier. We aren't out of the blue quite yet, though. MassHealth is annoying. Got a doctor's appointment tomorrow, if you want great news! But I didn't tell you the cool part though.


I went to London, England and Edinburgh, Scotland!


In London, I picked up a new best friend. His name is Tiny Tim. Spirited, young, tough as steel.


Because he is an adjustable walking cane.


You see, because of all the walking we did in London, my ankle was ready to give. I couldn't stand it at that point. We walked 15 miles of London, with hardly any rest. It was torturous. We stopped by a row of ATMs, and our director Donna told us this will be our one time to take out cash before going to Camden Street (if you know Camden Street and you're a tourist-y tourist, you'd want money). Because I believe in a large, spiritual being who looks at me occasionally and kindly thinks, "Hm. Sure, I give him a bone", there was a pharmacy across from the ATMs.


There, Tiny Tim and I were united.




Pictured: Sexy


Since London and Scotland, though, because of the aggravation, the pain hasn't ceased. It's gotten only worse. The cane became permanent overseas. I walk in school with it, I walk to places, I go to Starbucks together with it, I fight crime and beat the innocent (to make up for fighting crime), and at the same time, I dislike it. It's annoying not having two hands ready and available when you walk and stop and have to manage the cane you now have to hang on your pocket to do stuff and whatnot.


But just because I got a cane doesn't mean I can't enjoy it.




The flames makes me go faster.


So, that's what's up with me. What have I missed?




Recommended Comments

Dude! You're back! Did I ever tell you you lead one of the most amazing lives ever? You are one of the best bloggers here, and it is awesome to see you again, and to hear that you're doing all right. It's really kinda inspirational hearing how you pull through the way you do.

What'd you miss? Bionicle ended. There's this new figure building thing called Hero Factory, they aren't bad, not as much story as Bionicle but oh well. Some talk about what will happen to BZPower now that Bionicle's gone, and whether we'll change to Hero Factory Power or whatever. There's some new serials up and a new element called Psionics or something, another female element. But that's nothing you couldn't get from BioSector most likely. Not a whole lot I can see on the site, people just continue to interact as chat and Moc as they always have.

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That's all cool. All good things come to an end. And thanks for the complement, Onyx.


Congrats on the promotion, Chan. One question: Who's changed their names recently? I wanna catch up with a lot of members. A couple names tossed up would be awesome.



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Glad to see you back. ^_^ I hope things continue to improve for you, and I hope your leg can improve. I've twisted my ankle twice last month, same ankle too. Leg pain sucks. >_<


Anyway, welcome back AA! ^_^



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You're welcome! Also, I bet you didn't expect this many people to welcome you back did you?

sweet, you're back!


*favorites blog again*

Ha ha, that's pretty much exactly what I did.

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The cane became permanent overseas. I walk in school with it, I walk to places, I go to Starbucks together with it, I fight crime and beat the innocent (to make up for fighting crime), and at the same time, I dislike it.


Hello, Dr. House. :)

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COTRPGs got shot in the kneecaps.


I finally released some music.


Staff got promoted, while others left their position.


Gato admitted to being a dude.


I started community college.


Bionicle ended and it caused a lot of fighting. Also, turns out Mata-nui's a giant computer, and everyone were programs who's personalities and emotions were caused by errors, and the Toa are Norton, only they actually do a decent job. I guess that makes Vakama Clip - Longwinded, annoying, unhelpful, doesn't understand the term "shut up" but the little guy is cute.


Not sure about much else all that significant.


Oh, and I finally released some music. Planning to actually sing next time. :P

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Hey AA, it's been a while. I didn't even notice that you came back until now, so sorry about the late response, but it's cool that you're back. ^_^

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