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Vahkipower Challenge Finals

Shadow Destroyer




The semi-finals are finally over, and now it’s time for the Finals! Voting begins now, and ends on Sunday, November 14th. You don't have to have a premier membership or have entered an entry to vote, so feel free to come on in and make your voice heard! Here are the finalists:





1. Christo1096-TheIceBreaker: VahkiPower Vatrakh

2. Sparkytron: Elite Vahki: Spark Unit 0024

3. Lord Oblivion the Great: Oblivion Unit XXR

4. matt02: Vahkshi Unit

5. Fearlix: Vahki Cavalry Unit V2.9




To vote, all you have to do is post a comment in this entry. The voting format should look like this:


Entry Number: (Number of entry you think should win)




Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: Can I vote for myself?

A: Yes, you can.


Q: Can I null my vote?

A: To make the results as fair and equal as possible, I'd rather you not null your vote for any of the groups.


Q: Do I have to have a premier membership to vote?

A: No, all you have to have is an account on Bzpower.


Q: How do I know which entry is the best?

A: You should vote based on how good the entries look.




So there's all the rules! If you have a question, just post a comment in this entry. Good luck to all the finalists!





Recommended Comments

Woohoo! Got into the finals :D


Anyways, so I'm gonna be mean and vote for myself here. All of them are great, and I especially like Junkmaster's, but I'm gonna give mine a little life here :)



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Entry Number: #5


I just really like Fearlix's MOC. It's unique, and it has an awesome color scheme.

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Entry Number: #5


I just really like Fearlix's MOC. It's unique, and it has an awesome color scheme.


Why thankyou :)


I'm actually quite surprised that your MOC didn't get into the finals, though. If I had to vote for any besides my own, my vote would have gone to you.

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Entry Number: #5


I just really like Fearlix's MOC. It's unique, and it has an awesome color scheme.


Why thankyou :)


I'm actually quite surprised that your MOC didn't get into the finals, though. If I had to vote for any besides my own, my vote would have gone to you.

Why thankyou too :)


I think it might be the bad pic quality in my entry pic or something. I stink with cameras.

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