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Yesterday, after a lovely day at school (by lovely, I mean it was about as graceful as a gazelle stomping on a baby lion for revenge)...




He had it coming, trust me.


My mother left work early and we went to an orthopedic surgeon to diagnose if my ankle needed surgery or not, or whatever he could do to it. So, after poking my foot in 14 places as if he was a pressure point master working his voodoo on my appendage, he wrote a form for me to take an X-ray on my foot. We head over to radiology and get the X-ray, come back, and found that the condition has become a little worse than expected. It's a ligament tear, but also with bruising of the bone and surrounding tissue. He gave me a boot to secure my foot in and told me to get crutches and to completely immobilize my foot for six weeks when we'll look at it and pray that I won't need a cast.


The things is, crutches basically immobilize me. If that was the case, I would've broke my left leg to balance it out and get a wheelchair.




I knew exactly where to go if ever the motivation.


So, until the 13th of December or so, I'm pole-vaulting every step I want to make. The only benefit of this all is the thought that I'll be in walking condition soon enough. Really, this effects everything from my grades to my acting. I can't cross STAGE LEFT to STAGE RIGHT in character. Nor can I walk to the store to grab food after school. Or walk to Barnes and Nobles, get coffee and snack'ems, read books, write essays and lab reports, get into a depressed mood, and write really bad poetry. I mean, even my bad writing is taking a hit from this! Come on! This isn't fair now! I can't think of any good writer who had a disability! Not a soul!


Aside from that, I spent today just simply trying harder.




You see, what happened before getting the crutches was a class called Exercise Physiology. Physiology, but with exercise as labs.


So because we need to sign a contract saying we consent to their exercise labs, no matter how painful, we had to do bicep curls. Until we couldn't anymore.


5 times.




I'm not this guy, but I just saw Batman & Robin, so I know that I'm a better actor than him.


So my arms are having a hard time even extending fully, let alone lift anything.


Including my 210-pound frame.




Right now, I'm limited to a pair of crutches and a boot. Which is why I titled this entry "Canadians".


Get it? A boot? Aboot? Canadians? From Canadia?


Better than Alaska, though.




Alaska: Canada's Canada




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Every canadian I know says "aboot". Sometimes it's extremely subtle, sometimes it's "say that again?".


Also, crutches must suck, but I've always respected people who have mastered them. Eventually you'll be able to leap sets of stairs and impress the masses. Do all kinds of crazy parkour things.


Also also *ignores previous entry* where have you been.

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Rural Canadians might say "aboot", but they make up such a minor fraction of the population. Like, a greater percentage of Americans says "y'all" than the percentage of Canadians who says "aboot".

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Rural Canadians might say "aboot", but they make up such a minor fraction of the population. Like, a greater percentage of Americans says "y'all" than the percentage of Canadians who says "aboot".

An interesting position; now back it up with facts. :)

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I've only met one family of Canadians, and only the oldest daughter had that sort of an accent. Everyone else sounded like most of the people in the Midwest USA, except that they knew about hockey teams other than the Blackhawks. :P

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I've only met one family of Canadians, and only the oldest daughter had that sort of an accent. Everyone else sounded like most of the people in the Midwest USA, except that they knew about hockey teams other than the Blackhawks. :P

This means the family isn't Canadian and the eldest daughter is a witch. It simply cannot be anything else.


Grab your weapons, bring the grenades, start your Escalade. We're going hunting.



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Hail, Canadian comrades! It's aboot time we stood up for ourselves, eh?


... Seriously. I haven't met anyone who talks like that either. We just... don't. Not that it's not fun to have a stereotype to play around with, just don't take it too seriously, all you non-Canadians. Okay?


Unless you actually have met people who talk like that. Like Spirit, I don't think they're the majority though.

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I swear, there's an Alaskan member who read this, saw the response about "aboot" and is probably twitting his thumbs right now.


I think "aboot" originated from the Mounties back in the way day. Could've been. Likely it's a dying dialect.


So I propose we get it back, like Pirate Talk.


"Aboot Day"



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