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Musings Of The Day



As I sat writing about LEGO for an English paper, I realized that I am really glad I stuck with building throughout any ridicule I received during the ages where is was socially unacceptable. Where would I be today and what would I be doing if I did not have LEGO in my life? I dare not think about that.


Also, is it just me or are messenger bags becoming popular? :D Even my roommate who criticized me for having one now uses a side bag.


-CF :kakama:


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book bags were popular, but haven't in the recent years...or thats my guess by following my sister's fashion timeline. I've used a messenger bag since ever.


And I seriously cannot comprehend why people ridicule over something like LEGO or whatever else...I think a lot of what 'mature' people do are like is rather silly.

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Same here. Lego is and will be one of the greatest things ever ^^ I don't plan on quitting.


I don't know. Back in pre-school we had these boxy backpacks. Then everbody got into skateboards and only wore baggy-pants and rucksacks that were either totally out of shape or made for outdoor sports and with straps for the board. And then normal backpacks came back along with messenger bags. Of which I use one too. It will be replaced by a backpack in March though ^^

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