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Nack nack nack. Knaaaack. CD just used the word "knack" in a comment there, so I'm obsessed with the word for a little while. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ck. CK...Cake. Obviously, cake isn't the subject, as that would be such a thinly veiled attempt to not talk about pie.




Ok, well, cake IS the subject.


Cake is quite tasty. I may not know much in life, but I do know I love cake. Lime cake would taste nasty. Dunno why I was thinking of limes. Dang that Spitty. He's just a llama, all covered in cheese. >_< Ever eaten llama? No, me either. I imagine they're mighty tasty. Probably taste like fried giraffe.


Of course, I'm kidding. I have vegetarian leanings; I'd love to not eat meat, but seeing as how I hate all green vegetables, it leaves me sorta stuck. I'd eat potato chips and chocolate all day.




OK, I'm now a vegetarian. :P


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Stop stealing my lines Exo. Or else I'll make sure your mom is all covered in cheese!


Anyway, I always prefered cake to pie.


*Throws up flame shields*

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Nak-Naks happen to be a line of click-jointed block people whose purpose is to pose and stack a bunch of them. I don't know much about them other than they were once a promo at McDonalds and boast that each character can pose in over 80 different combinations.
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And for the record, brownies > cake > pie.

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SPITTY FOREVER!!!!!11!!!!!1111!1!


Well Exo, you succeeded in only mentioning pie once in that entry. That's a landmark. :P

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