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Rise Of The Rockets Recap - From Beginning To Now



Yo. So, I compiled a large, relatively in-depth (though mostly just in-general) recap for ROTR yesterday, and figured, what the heck, I might as well post it here for people (current players, past players, potential new players or just curious bystanders) to see just how far we've come since we began back in... April? Geez; only eight months? I thought i had been longer. O.o


Well, regardless, here it is, for those interested. ^_^


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Starting from the very top, the leaders of Team Liberty/TL (Goldhawk, Blackskull and Bluefalcon) gathered the majority of their agents into the auditorium of their main base, the Alamo, on Four Island, to discuss the new direction they would be taking in the war against Team Rocket/TR. The plan was essentially for agents to go out and recruit Legendary Pokémon, Gym Leaders and famous people (such as the game/manga/anime heroes) to their cause. TR had similar ideas and sent their own agents out to do the same thing.


After a short time of this (roughly a month in-game time) both sides had managed to gather enormous power. However, this was minimized by the arrival of two new players in the war. One was a group called the Searchers, who were basically a shadow organization who produced new and advanced technology, some of which to be sold to TR and the majority to be used for their own purposes; they were led by a man going by the codename Searcher. The other was a terrorist going by the name of the Shadowed Man/John Ford, who, despite seeming to be allied with TR, had continuously attempted to pick off members of both sides. Ford managed to obtain the location of the Sevii Islands, where TL was operating from, and gave this to Sleight, the primary leader of TR. Sleight ordered Joker, another leader of TR, to use this information to launch a large scale attack on the Four Islands; bounty, the third of TR's four main leaders, caught wind of this during a battle with Blackskull and headed to Four Island himself.


TR quickly set out on their mission, bringing a large force with them. As Goldhawk had left for Orre prior to this to look for a Raikou in Orre, Bluefalcon was left in sole command of Four Island, and quickly rallied TL's defenses. Soon after the battle started on the beach of Four Island, resulting in what seemed to be a stalemate; however, TL soon became overwhelmed and was pushed back. At the same time, Silvermind, a TL executive, gave a rebellion order in Hoenn, seeing the lower amount of TR forces there as an opportunity to take the region. The rebellion was successful and TR was almost completely pushed from the region. She then began issuing orders at 4 Island, and managed to even the odds using specially bred Pokémon teams. However, two events caused TL to be thrown into disarray once more. One was the bombing of the Alamo's control center by TR, which killed Green, one of TL's executives, and left Bluefalcon injured. The second event was the arrival of a massive TR airship, which caused general panic and such, though was eventually taken down by Registeel.


Blackskull and Bounty soon arrived on the island, and Bounty, along with a TR Elite managed to infiltrate the base. Bounty was attacked by a TL agent controlling Registeel and was successfully held off until the attack ended, though the TR Elite, Jessica, managed to make her way into the Alamo's server room, which contained all of TL's data on virtually everything.

Cutting form that really quickly, Bluefalcon was rescued by a TL agent in the ruins of the control center. Joker soon arrived, followed by Blackskull; however, Bluefalcon was teleported away by a Rocket defectee soon after, and an assassin hired by Ford attempted to kill Joker and Blackskull, managing to shoot Joker in the stomach, though neither was killed. Joker issued a retreat soon after, and was carried away by her escorts. Meanwhile, Bluefalcon caught wind of Jessica's presence in the server room and attempted to stop her squad, though she was overwhelmed by the combined forces of her opponents. Ford then caused the computers in the server room to explode, forcing Blackskull to watch; the resulting explosion nearly wiped out TL's database, injured many of the elite TR agents present, and killed Bluefalcon. TR thenr etreated from the island, badly beaten, though managing to leave TL standing on virtually one leg.


Blackskull then set his agents to work repairing the Alamo, and promoted Silvermind as Bluefalcon's replacement. Silvermind's first act of leadership was to lead a group of agents to TR's master facility in Hoenn to attempt to remove TR's last remnants of their reign there. (Will continue this further down, once I explain more stuff.)


Speaking of TR being removed from Hoenn -- Sleight had Ace, TR's fourth and final leader, arrested and demoted for her inability to keep Hoenn under her/TR's control. She was brought to Orre, where a trap was set in which Goldhawk picked her up and brought her to Team Cipher's old base. As part of the plan, Buzz, a TR executive, was ordered to assassinate them once they met up. Ford made sure that Goldhawk and Ace would be trapped in the base by locking them in the prison section, though Goldhawk's Electivire was able to free them. They attempted to flee from the base, though ran into Buzz on their way out, and in the following fight Ace was killed. Goldhawk was locked into a room, which began to be filled with tear gas that would have killed him, were it not for the timely arrival of the Orre Raikou, who freed him and, in an act of rage, killed one of Buzz's Yanma. Goldhawk allowed Buzz to leave, though not without a warning, stating that he would not be so merciful next time. Goldhawk returned to the Alamo, bringing Ace's body to be buried on 4 Island and without the Orre Raikou.


For his success in killing Ace, albeit without Goldhawk, Buzz was promoted to Shadow Admin of Hoenn and given control of TR's master facility there. His first challenge was securing the base against Silvermind's elimination attempt. The new TL leader led a large team to the base, including the Gym Leaders Koga, Surge and Sabrina, who had arrived just before Silvermind left, though were met with much suspicion. They managed to get to the master facility and break in, though their attempt to eliminate TR there failed when the three GLs betrayed them. The result was Silvermind being captured and the other TL agents being brought back to 4 Island.


As this was going on, Goldhawk had returned to 4 Island with the news about Ace, and was in turn given the news about TR's attack and the death of Bluefalcon. He was not given much time to grieve, though, as Ford attacked the Alamo himself shortly after. Blackskull and Goldhawk arrived to fight him, and were barely able to beat him back. Eventually they seemed to succeed; however, he escaped, and used his Darkrai to tear a hole in dimensional space. Blackskull was sucked in and presumably killed, though this has not been confirmed. Goldhawk was rescued from the rubble soon after, and seemed to be in shock when he was told of Silvermind's situation, though after several hours he recovered.


Scott Stone, a TL agent, soon approached him with a possible rescue for Silvermind in the form of a drilling company called Soil Colossus. Though a shady organization, Goldhawk lacked the resources to carry out a rescue himself, and reluctantly agreed to the proposal. A second attack was launched on the Hoenn master facility, this time led by Carl Sandrock, SC's leader. The battle lasted for quite awhile, though they eventually were able to nab Silvermind; however, Carl betrayed them and took Silvermind to SC's base. He offered her up to both TR and TL, in exchange for a certain Manaphy found in Isshu. joker immediately agreed to the deal and began to put a team together, while Goldhawk was eventually convinced; however, he made sure to let Scott know that should the mission fail, TL may very well fall with it, and that would effectively be Scott's doing. Both the TR and TL teams met one of Carl's representatives in Rustboro, and took a plane to Isshu, where they have just arrived.


That's TL's side; unfortunately there's a lot more.


Following the incident with Ace in Orre, another TR executive named Shade concocted a plan to capture the dragon trio of Sinnoh, who seemed to be weakening. At the same time, a mysterious man named Sombra visited him and increased Shade's natural shadow powers (explained later.) Sombra then began going around and located nine Darkrai, speaking of the return of "Master" and having them use their special Spacial Rend attacks to create small dimensional holes, weakening the restrictions on their master (also explained later.) Team Galactic was also enlisted for help by Evan, Seth and Kinali, who were the dragon's chosen saviors, though it was found that TG planned to exploit the dragons' powers, and as such were temporarily beaten down by the trainers.


After a series of smaller events, Shade gathered a force of TR agents at Spiral Tower, and summoned the dragons, who he captured with three Master Balls. The dragons battled with the three trainers and were eventually saved when Shade was betrayed by a girl named Bria, who he had brainwashed and lied to. The dragons, though not entirely healed, were freed, and the Rocket agents were arrested by Searcher agents. During this battle, it was also revealed that Shade was Seth's future son, who had accidentally been sent back in time and corrupted when, in the future, he had gone to check on the three dragons. Shade is currently being held captive in Chapel, Sleight's master facility.


Tensions between Sleight and Bounty have also been rising as of late, as Sleight wishes to begin operations in Isshu and Bounty does not. This has not been explored all that much.


A TR agent named Quinn also released a large number of Unown into the skies of Johto at one point. This will be explained more soon.


Finally, a fourth sub group was inadvertently created by a TL agent named Cyan. He was formerly part of a resistance group that was crushed by TR prior to the RPG; however, he still had all of that team's data. Cyan got into contact with other survivors form that group and used the data to continue their project. They managed to create a large number of Porygon that could absorb power from Legendary Pokémon, testing this with samples taken from the Unown. While testing the absorption capabilities on a Mew he had befriended, the others betrayed him, implying that they intended to use the technology for other uses. Cyan narrowly escaped with Mew, though the others continued the project and created a faction agaisnt both TR and TL, Team Energon.


While all of these groups were busy with their own devices, Ford had plans of his own. Changing his game, Ford concluded that the only way to bring peace to the world was by eliminating both the current government/TR and its opposition/TL. To do this, he needed the other three sub-factions, Teams Energon and Galactic and the Searchers. Ford sent three of his own agents out: James Pierce would negotiate an alliance with Team Energon, Maddison Hayes would ally Team Galactic with them, and Quincy Adams would find a lone Team Rocket agent and use their influence over the Unown to seal the swarm of Symbol Pokémon back in their own dimension. Ford would talk with the Searchers himself and get them to ally with him and the others.


Negotiations went smoothly, and all three sub-factions were reeled in with the promise of control over one of the three regions they would take over. Ford divulged his plan to them, stating that they would launch an attack on Four Island using their various resources: Team Energon would drain power from Mewtwo, while energy taken by the Searchers from Arceus when he briefly appeared at Spear Tower would be used in conjunction with their Legendaries, temporarily giving them a power boost; meanwhile, modified Red Chains from TG would be used to prolong the effects of the Arceus energy. Currently, they are preparing, and the plan is for them to launch their attack on 4 Island once the Soil Colossus mission ends.


I also have a very, very, very long list of about a third of the currently active and important characters; I'll probably post an updated version of it here too later on. :P

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