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Nnn... Just Woke Up...



I had the weirdest dream: I was Patrick the starfish, from Spongebob Squarepants, and my voice sounded like Squidward's. I was trying to get some sort of magic wish or something to create an imitation of Squidward's house on top of a giant spire and take over Squidward's life or something. And in the end the real squidward was begging and it was just strange... Not as strange as my odder dreams... Then it shifted to a dream I was in my school. The classrooms were different, the halls were dark and students from other grades were sitting in the hall in chairs watching films projected onto the walls... It was weird. I was scurrying around from class to class and most of my teachers were being subbed for for some reason- I remember coz I think I read a sub's name on the whiteboard of a twisted version of the Math classroom. Then it was still dark everywhere, it was nighttime and very creepy (and I find those sort of dreams to be good.) I was still hurrying around, it was a bit chaotic, and I think the whole dream was really a nightmare (I like those anyways), and I finally found the classroom I was supposed to be going to, it was a very distorted and changed version of my Social Studies classroom and I expected a substitute there, but my English teacher was teaching the class. I think a voice in my mind told me it was her, but she looked really different and I wouldn't have recognized her in real life. So then I was about to walk into said twisted version of classroom but then either I woke up or I hit a stretch of blissfully blank oblivion-mimicking nothingness before I woke up.


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