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I played two games today, with my brother and five friends.


Here's a list of our stuff.



Flecktarn Bundeswehr uniform











US Air Force M81 BDU









M4A1 (Crosman cheap junk version)


So anyway, for the first game, it was me (Kothra), Joe, Tian, and Bry versus Hoob, Aero, and Rawr.

Joe and I split off from Tian and Bry before the game started, and Tian and Bry split from each other. After it started, I split from Joe and pushed forward, and ended up behind the other team's position. I saw Hoob first (recognised by the black replica PASGT helmet he was borrowing from me), and managed to quickly eliminate him with a volley of semi-automatic shots. After this, I continued to push ahead, and then stumbled across the remainder of their team (Aero and Rawr), hiding behind a tree. They immediately turned and saw me, and since their guns were much more compact than mine, they had theirs up and firing before I did. I dropped down on to my back, hidden from the two by a log. I would pull my head and weapon up every minute or so, and snap off some shots, trying to take them out, but I couldn't do it. Thankfully, the other two didn't try to come closer (we were probably within the minimum engagement distance anyway). Eventually, both Bry and Joe came by the area, and were taken out by Aero. getting bored, I set my G3 to full automatic, sat up, and let loose a volley that took out both Aero and Rawr. I had forgotten that the game was over, and stayed down for another minute before I realised that I had eliminated the entire enemy team. Then we lol'd.


In the second game, it was me, Joe, and Hoob (Hoob and I tend to be on the same team a lot, as we both carry G3s), versus Tian, Rawr, Aero, and Bry. Our team headed off across a shallow depression, and up the hill on the other side. After this, I split off and went in another direction, to do my own thing. I sat for a while, then ran down into the depression, and lay down on my back (probably not the smartest thing to do, especially as Flecktarn + dead leaves = green target). Eventually, Hoob came down the hill to me, and we headed up the enemy's side. We started to take fire when we reached some large tree, and we laid low for a minute. We didn't return fire, and they stopped firing rather quickly. I then ran further into their side of the area, and came out near where the enemy had begun the game. Hoob was taken out following me, so I began firing single shots at a silhouette I saw (Rawr). Semi shots failed due to tree branches, so I opened up on automatic, and took him out. I began moving again, then was shot in the shoulder by Aero.

It was Aero, Bry, and Tian, against Joe. Joe managed to take out Aero, who joined Hoob Rawr and I at some point where we could see what was happening. Joe (being a noob) called out asking if Bry was hit, and Bry and Tian thought Joe was calling out that he had been hit, so they believed the game to be over. They came out of cover, and then I guess they were all like 'whut' (I wasn't there to hear anything). So the game just ended there. I assume the other team counted it as their win.


So then, I was like 'I'm hungry, let's go eat,' so we went back in and ate food and stuff.


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