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Wa Contest 1# Team Three Discussion



Okay, if you're



Zarayna - Assassin Archer

Toa Spirit


Then stay, 'cause this is our discussion topic.


Just a note, I'm gonna gone 'til Thursday, so no comments show 'til then, unless I get on the library.


Scratch that, I'm back. :P




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Okay, well I feel like this will be awesome, and that it'll be awesome working with you guys again. :D But for now, and until Zar gets back, I think I'll go brush up on your history and read your SS's and epics again.

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Alright people! I've been back for two days! Let's get this show on the road!


Anyways, Toa Spirit PMed me to tell me that he was on my team (It was a bit of a surprise, as at that time I didn't even know that the contest had started. :P), and he also included an idea he had.


I've replaced RM in your group for RM's competitions. I was thinking about the epics part of the contest and came up with an idea:


The developed Spherus Magna of the future.

In the dense jungles of Bota Magna Barksnakes squirt out a unique type of venom that causes serious burns to it's prey upon contact. Scientists in Tajun were experimenting on the venom when they made a startling discovery. The venom causes bacteria inside the porous wood of the Saptree to become erratic which to the surprise of the scientists caused them to become buoyant - making the wood float in midair.

Ideas were rapidly developed from this discovery many scientists dreaming of eventually created ships worthy of flight and maybe even floating villages. Eventually the first skyship was perfected and the social structure of today.

Now skyship crews run a lucrative trade all across the skies of Spherus Magna. Old Tajun is now used exclusively as a centre of learning, filled with professors, academics and scientists. High above their heads lies an even greater wonder of the modern world - Binarc, the city in the sky. Composed up of floating houses and halls and everything else a city contains all linked by floating walkways and sky ferrying businesses.


But these are dark times. Slavers are snatching away people in the night, Bota Magna jungle tribes are massing for war and rogue skyships are massacring all the good in the skies.


We follow a skyship in it's travels, a Tajun academic and an operative sent by the leaders of Binorc to spy on the Bota Magna tribes. Which of course are our three characters. If you think it's good respond I'll show you plans for a skyship and we'll develop this.


However, this raises a big difficulty. I don't have a single character (That I remember) who ISN'T an MU dweller.


Also people, once we've decided on what we're going to write about, we can work on the chapter outline, and decide who gets what number.


I frankly don't have any ideas right now however...


Rawr! Let's get to work!

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I definitely like TS's idea, and sorry for not getting back with the PM. But I have the same problem as Zar. Most of my OC's are pretty hardcore MU dwellers.

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I think frankly that we should decide what characters to use first, then work from there...


And in terms of who's what number, how about we do it like in the Library Summer Olympics epic contest. Ads as 1, me as 2, and Toa Spirit as number three. Sound good?


But I'm throwing this guy out. You might not know of him, but he's in an unpublished story of mine.


Name: Kemaru

Species: Matoran

Element: Air

Gender: Male

Powers: None.

Abilities: Very fast and agile, even on the ground. Extremely skilled in the use of many weapons.

Weapons and Equipment: Small, Matoran sized Katana, a small energy crossbow. Wears extremely tough armor, almost element resistant in fact.

Personality: If it wasn't for his armor, you would never guess Kemaru was a Le Matoran. He is very serious, and quite grim. At times he shows open contempt at the average Matoran, believing them to be wimps who wouldn't survive a second without their Toa. He also desises Toa as well, believing them to be stuck up heroes with egos twice the size of themselves.

History: Kemaru hails from Metru Nui, where he worked as a weapons trainer and creator, teaching Mstoran both how to wield many weapons expertly, and teaching them to make them. However after a fight with one of the city's Toa, he left Metru-Nui, never to return. He traveled to the Southern Continent, where he lives like he did in Metru-Nui.


This dude goes to whoever's after me.



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Here's my guy for you. He's from a very old work of mine (March 2009, when I was starting out), but I don't have many MU characters, and of them I like this guy the best.


Name: Taiki

Species: Matoran

Element: Air

Gender: Male

Powers: None.

Abilities: A competent Gukko pilot, with a good knowledge of various Rahi.

Personality: Very attached to his Gukko, Vinchix and will groom it before he goes to sleep in his trusty hammock to keep the Gukko honed and it's skills sharp. However he can become easily annoyed and is known to mutter things under his breath rudely or sarcastically if somebody says something he dislikes. But, he can be relied on in an emergency and his companionship is worth it when push comes to shove.

History: Previously member of the Gukko force in Le-Koro, he's recently gone away on his own making his home traveling in jungles and sometimes offering his services to travelers.

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Here's a character from the one MU work I have:


Name: Loran (Loh-RAN)

Species: Toa.

Element: Plasma

Gender: Male.

Powers: Elemental control over plasma.

Abilities: A skilled swordsman.

Personality: Thoughtful and, unless around friends, a character of little words (doesn't say much). He is bitter and twisted inside, because the rest of his Toa Team where killed by a Skakdi warlord, and only he survived, harboring a deep hatred for Skakdi ever since. He has become violent, impulsive and prejudiced.

History: After losing all his Toa team to the Skakdi he spent years drinking away his sorrows and living rough. He has since encountered the skakdi that killed his team and in a violent act of revenge murdered him, betraying everything the Toa code had taught him. He however believes his acts were just and has since took up traveling taking up temporary residence, then moving on, sometimes offering his own unique brand of service.

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Okay, sorry it took me so long. Been a bit busy and lazy over here.


Name: Fiera (Fie-air-a)

Gender: Female

Species: Vortixx

Kanohi: None

Element: None

Weapon: vahki shield, short chain whip

Abilities/Traits: Good strategist, patient with almost everything except other people, has a soft spot for rahi, knows how to get a job done the right way the first time

Personality/Bio: Fiera is rather proud and not very open about some things, like why she hasn't been part of the Xian matriarcy for over half a century. She's a wanderer, and hires herself out for jobs, like a one-person Dark Hunter service, almost. She considered joining the Hunters at one point, but then decided that she didn't want that type of reputation. She is reluctant to let someone else do a job for her, or help her too much with her own jobs, becasue the only way things can get done the right way is if she does it herself. In other words, she is very self-reliant, and wary of other people.

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hmm, anyone notice the similarities between our characters here? Every single one is a traveler. I definitely think we can do something with this!


The thing is, what do make?


Here's what I'm thinking.


The Dark Hunters go after Fiera after she refuses to join them, she flees, and by some twist of fate, runs straight into Kemaru. somehow after that, they somehow run into Lohran.


Anyone want to refine that?



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How about:

We see Fiera pull out of Dark Hunter training, then The Shadow One sends five hunters out to silence her as she now knows far too much about the organization to be allowed to return to civilization. The Dark Hunters corner Fiera in a jungle on the Southern continent where she stumbles across Kemaru who leads her to the treetop settlement of _______ (can't think of a name) where Fiera encounters Loran who is hired to make their getwaway, with Kemaru coming too because he sees profit in crafting the two weapons, despite his distaste for Loran, a Toa.

Of course we'll have showdowns with the DHs during the escape. :P

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It depends on how Lohran acts. Kemaru only hates the usual Toa (Think Matau, or any other attention hogging, I'm better then you Toa).


Also, I don't think Fiera ever joined the Hunters, although your sounds a lot better then mine did. :P


And I doubt Kemaru would risk his neck to make two weapons actually. He would have much better reasons. I mean, he considers himself to be a Matoran version of a Toa in ways, and would jump at the chance to spit in the Shadowed One's face by helping TSo's enemies. :P

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Yeah, Fiera was never part of the Hunters, she only breifly considered joining. But I'm not supposed to be online rite now, and I'm banned from my computer until my math grade comes up, so that could be problematic.

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Alright, I'm going to draw up a rough outline.


-Fiera is approached by several Dark Hunters, and hotly refuses to join them, practically coming to blows before she has the sense to run. DHs chase her, and as she flees through a village, she literally runs straight into Kemaru.

-Kemaru helps her fight off the dark hunters, and they manage to flee in time.

-They run into a wanderer, a Toa named Loran, who agrees to join them.


There's the first three chapters outlines. Only one thing I need, a big reason for the DHs to try to kill Fiera. something she has? knowledge she knows?



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yeah, but i can sneak time. give me a chapter outline, any one, i dun really care what order we go in, and i can probly work on that.

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